I feell soooooo.......
LIKE s**t neutral
i have a fight with my mother confused she's soo weird
only because i have 4 really bad marks on my schoolreport...
that's bad razz but,, i just had a new boyfriend
not new
i had him since,,,,
well i had him for 1 month,, then he broke up,, and then the same day he was my boyfriend again,, and a week later he broke up again confused and i was feeling kindoff shitty soo i made really bad marks,,,
now my parents are mad at me sweatdrop because they think its a bad excuse to get that bad marks for only ONE boy confused xp they are kindoff right with it xd i hate it if they are right neutral confused xd stressed SOOOOOOOOO bad:p well....
im learning french
and i cant get on MSN anymore confused s**t s**t s**t
xd my life iss sooo crappy xp
my singing
is getting a lot better now
i sing far more pure now 3nodding whee mrgreen
and baseball is getting better too smile im now a pitcher razz lol
so i have a far better position in the team whee lolss
well smile
Byee you all
Im going to learn for French ( AND Geography) again razz
Loves and kisses heart