These'll just keep commin'
'Cause I've got a few more I've saved to do, and no doubt I'll look for more.
( )Been dumped
(x)Been in a fist fight [XD we was little!]
(x)Had feelings for someone who didnt have them back
( )Had a crush on a teacher
( )Skipped school [ima good momo :3 ........I really have never skipped school, right??....]
( )Seen someone die
( )Been overseas [i wish =(]
( )Been on a plane [nooope, because we drove to Florida that one time.]
(x)Love someone or miss someone [*sob*]
(x)Laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by [I love teh clouds!]
(x)Built a sand castle [I love sandcastles!]
(x)Gone puddle jumping [I love puddle jumping!]
(x)Jumped into a pile of leaves [I love jumping into piles of leaves!....Though I gotta make sure theres nothing in there BUT leaves....]
( )Fallen asleep at work/school? [imaa goood moommmooooo D:]
(x)Been misunderstood [ohh, definitely]
(X)Won a contest [something in 3rd grade for sometihng about a "good" drawing blah )x ]
(x)Felt like an outcast
( )Eaten a whole tub of ice cream in one night [ew, ewww that's not good for you!]
(X)Hate the way you look?
(x)Been lost [....]
(x)Recently colored with crayons/colored pencils/markers [not THAT long ago, for Historyyy....]
( )Sung karaoke [hate hate hate my singing voiice D:]
(x)Done something you told yourself you wouldn't [hell, i cant help it sometimes]
( )Made prank phone calls [ not the one who called and pranked 'em, i watched my cousins do it cuz....ima good momo XP]
(x)Laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your nose [i think?? but i usually kinda choke....]
(x)Danced in the rain [it's so fun! heart ]
(x)Watched the sun set [x3 i love the sunset!]
( )watched the sunset with someone you care about [aww, not yet]
(x)Blown bubbles [they popped in my eyes]
(x)Had a wish come true [uhm..shoot...did I? Maybe?]
(x)Ate dog/cat food [Milkbones are better than those little fish-shaped things....XD; I don't eat it on a daily basis, don't misunderstand! It was long, loonng ago XD]
( )told a complete stranger you loved them [lol, no, my "i love you"'s are for the people i mean it to]
(x)Sang in the shower [....haate my voiiice]
(x)Glued your hand to something [ other hand?]
(x)Done/attemped a one-handed cartwheel [owwww]
(x)Talked on the phone for more than 5 hours [i think? was it 6?]
(x)Stayed up all night [pshhh of course]
( )Didn't take a shower for a week [maybe sometime when i was younger, like my nieces/nephews age?]
( )Pick and eat an apple right off the tree [ew eww have to wash it fiiirst!]
( )Had a tree house/club house [nahh, but Jake and I used to play in his, yeaarrs ago]
( )Are scared to watch scary movies alone [I like to go under the covers with the lights off and watch 'em by my lonesome :3 But it's better if others are there]
( )Have more then 30 pairs of shoes or there abouts
(x)Caught a butterfly
(x)Laughed so hard you cried [XDD]
( )Mooned/flashed someone [ )x ewy]
(x)Cheated on a test [...years ima bad momo T-T]
( )Have/had a Britney Spears CD
(x)Forgotten someone's name [im just stupid]
~~~~~Start Survey~~~~~~~~
*Missed school because it was raining: I don't think so? D:
*Been in a car accident: No, but almost.
*Been hurt emotionally: Doesn't it just suck?
*Kept a secret from everyone: of course
*Had an imaginary friend: ...uhh...I think? It didn't last long, 'cause I got annoyed....It was the skeleton hologram thing I saw when I went to the haunted house in Disney in second grade =) .....I'm such a freak.
*Cried during a Movie: yupp: Chyaaa =(
*Ever thought an animated character was hot: XDDDD
*Been on stage: Yeepp
*Been sarcastic?: psh, nooo, I'm neeverrr sarcastiiic *rolls eyes* no, seriously
>* Shampoo: i dont care as long as it works well
>* Soap: I don't care as long as it smells gooooood XP
>* Fav colour/shade: red and black and maybe dark blue and silver and possibly white
>* Summer/Winter: ...Neitherrr....Spring or Falllll
>* Cartoon Characters: ...Anime, too?? ....TOSHIRO? MOMO? ALl those other peoples I love so much??
>* Drink: uhm...Ice Tea?
>* Food: I don't have a favorite....
>* Movies: ....I'm not sure, I don't really have favorites. uhm...Maybe Pirates of the Carribean? XD Jack's sooooo awesoooommmmeee
>* Ice Cream: PEANUT BUTTER AND CHOCOLATE jsdkfls like like Reeses! and just plain chocolate!
>* Subject: ...English? I don't know, I don't really have one.
>* Animal: KITSUNEE??? FOX?? heart heart :Heart: :Heart:
>* Person: ...But choosing favorites outta friends is meaaaaann!
>* Girls name: ...uhm....*thinks of anime* Rosette? XD Azmaria??! I wonder what'd happen if I named my kid Azmaria XD
>* Boys name: ...Edward? =D *still thinking of anime* ALPHONNSSEE?? =DD
>* Chick Movie:, don't know
>* Guy Movie star: ...ehmm...Depp's a good actor, so's Jim Carey, lol.
>* TV show: ...All teh anime I love. Other than that I try to stay away from t.v. and not get into anything
>---------------RIGHT NOW------------------
>* Wearing: my gym shorts I used to sleep in, a red t-shirt, and my robe thing XD
>* What color underpants/boxers/nikers: lol i just forgot....white?
>* I'm feeling: sick-ish and bored and how you feel after bein' kinda emo XD lol, im not emo, lol
>* Eating: ...Me? Eat? .....I'm waiting for food, 'cause im starving T-T
>* Drinking: Nothing! Rawr!
>* Thinking: I'ma have two hours of sleep again, unless I take some Tylenol or somethin'
>---------------IN THE LAST 24 HRS------------------
>* Cried: hahaha, I stopped it! Hahaha f3ar m3
>* Met someone new: Noooope.
>* Cleaned your room: ...I threw crumpled papers on my floor when I was drawin'
>* Drove a car: XD I can't drive and I haven't even been outta the house
>---------------DO YOU BELIEVE IN------------------
>* Yourself: Pshh why would I believe in myself?? XDD
>* Santa Claus: No =(
>* Ghosts: SURE DO
>* Angels: Yesssiiirreeeee
>* God: I'm Catholic
--------------FRIENDS AND LIFE------------------
>* Do you have a soul mate? ....WENDY OMG =D .....[I'm sorry, I love you, Devin]
>* Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend: ...Love you, Devin! =)
>* Do you like anyone? LOVE LOVE LOVE YOUUU, DEVIIINN
>* Who have you known the longest of your friends: uhm...I don't know? O_o;;
>* The shyest: uhmmm.......They're not really that shy.....
>* weirdest: oooh we're ALL weird in our own ways
>* what is the best feeling in the world: Happiness? Peace and Love? XDDD [lol, im such a hippie....]....Like that shirt I bought for Sonaaa!
>-----------------FOR EVERYONE TO FILL OUT-----------------
>* Silver or gold: uhm silver [MAH KITTEH]
>* Diamond or pearl: MY BIRTHSTONE, DIAMONDDD
>* Sunset or sunrise: sunSET
>* Do you sleep with stuffed animals: Plenty heart
>* Have you ever broken/sprained/fractured a bone: I kinda sprained my ankle? And what about my thumb that was attacked by a golf ball?
>* Do you have any piercings?: I gots mah earz piercedd
>*Tattoo's? Noo )x
>* Rain, sun or snow?: uhmm...I like rain to listen to and dance it, snow to watch and....I like the sun only when it's not in my face and burning my skin
>* How is the weather right now?: cold =( I don't like cooollld
>* Do you like cookies?: I heart cookies!
>* Who won't respond: ....Everyone that reads this? XD;
>* Time you finished this quiz: 4:13
>*Last thing you said: ...."Malena, what time is it??.......4:13."
......I liiiiiike chocolate miiiiilk
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aMoUr BeAuCoUp, no? <3 [by reiynne]
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you'll be the one dumping someone probably caus theri not good enough [like me, i'm no where near good enough for you]
and wait wendy is your soul mate?????????
Not me? crying