Thanksgiving is now over....that stinks. It's not that I'm not excited about all these holidays and whatever, but it seems like this year barely started, so I'm very very very unhappy. stare Why does life seems so fast once you get older, I mean when you were a little kid didn't life seems like it wasn't going anywhere, then BAM! it catches up with you and runs ahead! Oh why didn't it have to catch up with me when I was in 5th grade. When I was in 3rd grade I knew what was happening but until the 5th grade I noticed time picked up speed.
I ended up not getting the part I wanted, no, instead I am some apothecary in the play. I was really disappointed when I found out my best friend was the father of Juliet, it meant we wouldn't be able to hang out at Drama. At this moment I'm still somewhat unhappy but I'm trying not to think about it. Yet, I'm somewhat happy because I get to make more friends at this chaotic school. Two of them are very nice and find my random stories....well....interesting.... Unfortunately, I never asked one of them what their name was rofl
For some reason I've been thinking of the book Twilight. Gosh I love Edward! No, I'm not gonna ramble on about how cool he is. I don't know why I can't stop thinking about that book.....actually I think I really do. Probably because I've been dying to get the third book, but still..........
Oh well, maybe it's just one of those little obsessions you need to get away from the real world. But reality isn't that bad just kind of dull. I feel like I am in a movie that just rewinds again at a certain point. Either my day is unhappy or I'm calm, sometimes excited, but it still feels the same. Whether my day is whatever, I'm one thing everyday.......exhausted. *Sorry if none of this makes sense, it just is so cool to talk to myself and then when someone else reads this they'll think I'm nuts....probably even more nuts because I'm apologize to people before they even start reading this* Yes, I am always exhausted because of school. School it to exhausting, that's why I'm happy that I had a week it I could just have three more weeks off.
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