Real Name: (your username) dobby_is_my_hero Alias: Im guessin this is where I talk about myself??? Well, my parents are divorced and I have two brothers. I hate football and the color pink, but can stand baseball and have been known to get into the game, very into it. I am a YANKEES FAN!!! You have a problem with that and you can say it to my black wearing, stuffed animal carrying, anger problematic fist! Thank you! heart Gender: female Race: Irish (caucasion) Height: 5 foot 6 in Weapons/Equiptment: carries a pocket knife in her sock Appearance:  Behavor: extremely hyper most of the time, NOT A MORNING PERSON! If talked to before 10 am you will most likely be punched in the face. biggrin Bio: My weakness...Chocolate! The way to win me over? Chocolate! The best way to stay on my good side...Chocolate? And the only thing that will make me be nice to you if you make a bad first impression? No, you didn't guess it...Marichino Cherries! The other way to win me over is to shower me in gifts, preferably black clothes or stuffed animals! biggrin Companion: three cairn terriors named bandet, buster, and foxxy and her stuffed animal, yes, the teenager carries around a stuffed animal...
Dobby_is_my_hero · Thu Nov 22, 2007 @ 12:23am · 0 Comments |