From Buddha
As we proceed into the universe, the movement toward cooperation, mutual help, and communication between livings things and humans in the community of the earth will grow greater and greater: This should be the next great project springing from the human wisdom that created the Nasca geoglyphs.
From "On Our Little Earth: NHK Travelogue Series I," Japan Broadcast Publishing Co., Ltd.
All life is one great wheel, and if we realize this, then even death may not be so frightening. The rabbit threw himself into the fire so that the old man could eat him, and so the rabbit's life and the life of the old man are connected. And that is why the rabbit was able to sacrifice himself. If we realize that all life is connected to one's own, we can no longer treat even the smallest life form lightly. We have to understand that the life of a small insect, or that of a dog or cat, are one and the same with our own, and this is what is behind the grand story of "enlightenment."
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