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Monopoly's deep thought collection
Yes, I have deep thoughts. And I shall make them appear here. yay!
Procrastination as Art
I do, in fact, have a ten-page research paper due at nine o'clock tomorrow morning.

That said, there is something profound about watching absurd British satire in a darkened room while eating sushi with friends.

Furthermore, I find merit in the idea that at any point in time when a person has a required bit of writing to do, especially within a rapidly approaching deadline, said person will inevitably be inspired to write, not the required piece, but various other works of literature.

Case in point: In the week I have been attempting to write this research paper, I have written three short stories, one poem, and one five-page chapter of fanfiction.

And what have I gained from this experience? Well, first I shall explain that the topic of my paper is The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams, and that the aforementioned absurd British satire was, in fact, the movie version of the story.

My primary gain in this endeavor is that I was able to correctly pinpoint every single little piece of dialogue in the movie that was taken verbatim from the books.

This may seem trivial, but personally I think that it is a great achievement.

So there.

And now that I have "wasted" ten minutes of precious research paper time, I will return to the grind of writing my remaining six pages.

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Kyleia Raine
Community Member
commentCommented on: Wed Nov 28, 2007 @ 05:14am

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