Why do I feel like jumping off of a building? Better yet, why am I writing this?
It's not like anyone is going to read this, anyway.
For those who do (not that anyone does), and those who care (not that anyone does), here lies the cataloge of my freshest batch of problems.
My friend is ignoring me, which sucks, because that is the person I talk to about my problems. Worst part? She's not ignoring me because she's angry. She's not ignoring me because I made her feel bad. She's ignoring me because I'm just too insignificant to fit into her busy busy life. It's not like she said that to me though... but I can tell. It's been like that since summer. I'm just not important anymore, and she no longer cares.
I guess that makes two of us, now, wouldn't it?
My other friends are either annoying me like hell or hanging out with me because of what used to be our "friends circle."
I haven't gone to the movies since school started because no one has invited me; when I want to go, they're always busy. In my opinion, going to the movies by yourself is pretty ******** pathetic. Therefore, I've pretty much missed out on the newest in popculture.
I haven't gone shopping in what feeling like forever... my clothes are overused and out of season, and I certainly can't go out to the movies I don't go to like that!
My only life involves studying (which, in case you were wondering, is not going so well), sports (also not too great, but the biggest thing I have to live for right now), and, sadly enough, fanfiction, which has been put to a stop due to lack of inspiration ('cause that's what friends are for, you know?).
I've been suffering for the past few weeks from nightmares, severely short-circuting my energy supply for the time I'm supposed to be awake. So far, I've died, my friends have died, my family has died, I have been kidnapped and tortured, and I have been stuck within a world were I do not exist. Oh, and about that last one? Everyone was much happier. Certainly gives me a boost of confidence, doesn't it?
For now, these are the surface of the deep well that is my emo-nosity. Just be glad you haven't swam so far down, yet.
------------------EDIT 11/12/07
Sports sucks, too - i was moved down to JV from Varsity. I guess I really am worthless.
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