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Raven's Things
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Name: Raven
Age: Too old to look so young
Race: Neko
Raven still had her female features and her long dark navy hair with her bright yellow eyes. Her form was well built and had tribunals over herself like her blades. There was still the C that was carved onto her chest from her Mistress Crow.
Weapons (if any): The only weapons that she was taught to use was the shadows and her two katanas that were hand crafted just for her, not only of Japanese metal but other things like dragon bones and her swords have their very own power, but she is still being taut on how to unleash that power instead of having her swords control her. Along the blades are tribunals, both of the swords look like they are identical because of the handles carved to look like dragons, but that's only when they are sheathed. You will be able to tell the difference if you get close enough to her and she will show you her blades without killing you.
Armor (if any): None
Fighting style (if any): She has her own style of fighting.
Special abilities (if any): Using the shadows and the darkness to fight and do her bidding.
Other info/ background: Doesn’t remember her past and is too busy to care about it. She is too busy making sure her Mistress Crow is satisfied enough with her.


Crows Raven
Angelica { An - hell - ick - uhh / Ange - ell - ick - uhh }
Half Human
Owned by:
Born into a nice and caring family, her parents don't know what they did wrong for her to become the way she is. Her golden hair made her parents think they gave birth to an angel, so they named her Angelica. Seeing most the boys eying her body as she grew up made her want to try at some things. Asking them out or just doing cheesey moves on them got her to understand more about guys as she tested things out. Growing up in a neighborhood with guys that cheated on their own girls. She grew more and more sick of it until she heard about Mistresses and Masters taking people for pets. Angelica had a go at it and threw herself out into slave markets. Her first Mistress taught her the ways of seduction. Forcing her to become a Bi-sexual. Gaving her, her first 'uniform'. Making people to think she is Greek, or a Greek Goddess. After that she grew bored with Angelica and threw her out. More Mistresses and Masters were biding high prices for her. But still they did the same thing her first Mistress had did. Though she was learning new things and trying them out, they still gave her the boot. Being thrown around places and meeting different cultures and races she claimed to be half human and think her seduction is part of a 'race'. Making most of her Masters and Mistress' let her do what she wanted to, she never got diciplined. The tattoo of a heart with wings on the top of her left breast was from her recent Mistress that believed in tattoos and earrings claimed their pets to their Masters/Mistresses. It was just a normal heart, until her Mistress thought of 'Angel' in Angelica's name.
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Can be seducing with dances and the gypsy cloth she wears. Almost taunting the eyes of men and women.


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Crows Raven
After watching her clan get slaughtered by Vampires Kayla has been running on her own. Coming to a Human filled village she met some people and thought she could befriend humans until they betrayed her and used her secrets to get people to not want her. This one man had believed each word and took Kayla into his care. She was with him until he reviled that he was a Vampire as they were intimate and she ran away finding herself being caught by guards and taken into the Market.
Quiet, crusty on the outside but soft on the inside.

Crows Raven
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    Tue Dec 25, 2007 @ 12:02am

    You mention nothing about your Himeko...

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