With all the revenge in my heart there is no way to escape from But you seem to care for my wounds and never judge me by them And for that I am so grateful for but is there any time for me to say good Bye to the one I love and deep inside me I know there is always Good ness in your heart so for now on I will depend on you for my entire happy ness I will always love you with my heart but for now just forget me and Forget that we ever met. so now that you have healed my soul, my hearts will you ever Forgive me for trying to get ride of you so now That you know what I have been trying to do are you going to Stay away or are you Going to stay with me until the day I die But now that I a have healed…………I am not so sure that is a good idea For you to stay.
By:Tabatha Raven Davis
tom_boy · Sat Jun 11, 2005 @ 07:05am · 1 Comments |