The glistening knife, The pain of life, The blood soaked wrists, I guess I must have misssed, Missed the point of this. That glistening knife, Laying on the floor. As my blood drips, And my arms are sore. And my hair falls into my face, I think to myself. All this time I couldn't see, Why I'm doing this, Quick as I try to stop the blood, Form coming out my body. To life a lifeless sorrow. I'm leaving behind just one thing. One thing I care for, Just that one thing will save me. From my awful fate, Stop me from doing this.
The glistening knife, Sits on the floor, And will stay on the floor. Cause of that one thing, Me life is better. Im glad I didn't do this, He saved my life. I'd suffer everything else, Just to have him in my life, Still living. Still beating heart. Still loving soul.
As I watch the blood dry on that kinfe, I think, That it could have been the end, What would have happened to me, And him, I'm glad I stoped.
The glistening knife, The pain of life. Those were the things that should have ended my life.
x50000xTEARSx · Sat Oct 27, 2007 @ 05:54am · 0 Comments |