From Hello! Chippo-kun
It appears that recently the exclusion of "outsiders," or those who are different, is surfacing in problems of bullying at schools. Kids who might look a little different from the others become the object of harassment, and this is all really a clear reflection of what adult society is like.
From "Save Our Mother Earth"
Cats and mice have long been pictured as enemies. We are taught that cats hurt mice and mice run away from cats, but this kind of indoctrination is called "biased education." Before we decide that somebody is our enemy, or that that person is bad, it might be better to take a really good look at that person. After all, the best way to defeat one's enemy is to become fiends with them. We can rid ourselves of all fighting if we can just acknowledge and allow for each other's different ways of thinking. It's better to think this way, isn't it?