i'm saving up tips on easy gold. so if ya want to help. comment your ideas in this journal. please? 3nodding
sheer_immortal says:
"~Word Bump and Jigsaw both grant gold and items, just for playing! With Word Bump, gold increases as you get to higher levels; with Jigsaw, gold gain depends on difficulty level and rate of completion (the more puzzles you do, the less gold you get).
~Word Bump gives out items for your avatar once you reach a certain level. Presumably, these items will get better as you reach higher and higher levels. I don't know whether it gives House items as well, but I've seen it give avatar items. As of July 16, 2007: Word Bump isn't giving out gold or items right now, but hopefully that'll be fixed soon. ^.^
~Jigsaw also grants items. I've seen only House items, so I don't know whether it grants clothes items as well. However, Jigsaw does give special portraits for your house - the portrait is the same picture as the puzzle you do! ^.^
~Towns now gives gold, too! Just shake the trees, shrubs, and rocks, and there's a chance that you can get a handful of gold.
~Tickets from the Casino games, credits from Word Bump, trash and bugs from Towns, and items from Word Bump/Jigsaw can be sold on the Marketplace or through the Exchange forum for gold."
drake says:
" 1. Prerequisites and Recommendations
If you have just joined Gaia, you probably will want to wait a week or so to get the feel of the site before employing my process. Other than that, you will need the following to get started:
* Know how to buy and sell in the marketplace. If you haven't used the marketplace before, I suggest that you try selling one or two of your really inexpensive items, maybe the Blue Flame Shirt that you won in the Daily Chance. Also find some items for sale for 1g, and buy one or two as practice to see how you buy items from the marketplace.
* About 1k to 3k of pure gold. As the saying goes, "You need money to make money." In this case, you can leverage a very small amount into a very large sum. (If you don't have this much gold, you can post, do puzzles, play cards -- the usual stuff you do to get small amounts of gold.)
* At least one hour of time each day to dedicate to marketplace trading. Trading in the marketplace takes place in real-time, and you stand in competition with other savvy market traders who also want to profit from great bargains. You also need to spend enough time so that you can see the current trends. Items that sold well yesterday may have stagnated overnight. As you spend time in the marketplace, you will start to recognize the signs that signal "buy" or "sell." Of course, the longer you spend trading, the more profit you will make. (But make sure you take breaks to eat and sleep.)
The time of day will also make a difference in how quickly you can sell your items. You will sell your items most quickly when Gaia has the most users signed in. The local time will vary for you, but in general you can count on 4 to 7 p.m PST as some of the busiest trading times during the day.
* A browser that supports tabbed pages. You don't have to use tabs, but tabs enable you to quickly move from one item to another without having to move the mouse off the Go button. Both FireFox 2.0 and Internet Explorer 7 support tabs. I prefer FireFox, but I don't think it makes any difference which browser you use. Also, on Apple Computers, you can use Safari, which also supports tabs.
* Don't spend your money until you have reached your goal. I know having 20k or even 50k in pure gold just sitting there will make you want to buy that coveted item you have lusted after, but I recommend that you wait. Again remember, "You need money to make money." If you spend your hard-earned money on items too soon, you take away from the capital that you need to invest in the market. Once you reach your goal of 100k, then you can choose the items to want to buy and still leave yourself enough gold to keep playing the market."
ThanatosRising says:
"There are several ways of making gold, just on the forums alone. These are the simplest ways of going about doing it. There will be more ways of making gold around the site and forums, that I will address later on in the "Going a little Further" section. So how can you make gold about the site?
1. Surf! Just surfing the web page can sometimes give you gold. Every page you click on (besides profiles), has a chance of giving you gold, usually between 1-4 gold.
2. Daily Chance.
Especially for people who are new, the daily chance often hands out gold, tokens, most trash/flower/bug/exchange related items, and there's always the possibly of winning a new item. Sure, some of the stuff you get may seem useless, but everything you get on Gaia can get you a little gold if you know how.
3. Reply to Topics.
When surfing the forum and you see a topic, don't be shy about putting in your info. If you do it in a nice and polite fashion, most people will be nice and polite back. (There are occasionally some people who are mean just for the sake of it - trolls and flamers - just ignore them.) Make sure that you're post is relevant to the topic on hand though!
Note: The length of your posts does not effect how much gold you get. A single word reply will get the same amount of gold as a long reply. Keeping this in mind, don't spam short responses inappropriately, but at the same time, don't pad your posts with pointless things thinking it'll get you more gold.
Also, Nocturnal Static says that if you post over 100 posts in a day, the amount of gold you get begins to increase again. Since I haven't heard anything of this, if anyone else would like to confirm or deny it, please leave a note.
4. Post your own Topics.
Posting your own topics is also a good way to make gold. Just make sure you read the rules of each individual forum, and don't post in the wrong place. When all else fails, and you don't know where to post something, have a field day in the Chatterbox.
Note: You only get gold for topics you make, and your own replies. You do NOT get gold for replies that other Gaian's make in your thread.
5. Beg. A lot of people don't like it when you beg. But if you're polite, and do it in the proper place, there should be no problems. Try asking in the Chatterbox, or if you're after a specific item, try the Charity and Quest forum. Don't hijack or ask in other people's threads though. Make sure to make your own thread!
Note: Do -not- pm people randomly to ask for donations. This counts as spam and can get you warned. In fact, all unsolicited begging is warnable, so make sure you -only- do it in your own threads, or in places where they give your permission.
6. Polls. Take polls! They give you gold as well.
7. Post comments in people's profiles.
8. Vote -and- comment in the arena's.
There are three arena's, the Art, Avatar, and House arena's. You get gold for voting and commenting in all of these. Just make sure you're comments are relevant and aren't spam! Also, be sure to not just arbitrarily vote for the gold. Look at what you see and vote fairly in your opinion.
9. Write entries in your Gaian Journal."
nights desire says:
"Everything listed can and will earn you gold.
Lurking - Lurking is a term used for users who do not frequently post within the forums, but instead spend their time reading the threads. Your activity is minimal, however; you recieve 1-2 gold per page view. It does not matter what page you are viewing within the site of Gaia, be it the forums or the shops.
Posting - At minimum you can post one word or you can create a full topic. The amount of content in your post does not affect the amount of gold you will recieve for each post. You do not recieve gold from responses on your topics. You only recieve gold for the posts you, and you alone, make. Gaia gives you various forums that you can visit, so that you may find users and threads that pertain moreso towards your interestes. It is always best to post in the correct forum your topic belongs in.
Charity Subforum - This forum is dedicated to users asking for, recieving and giving donations. A donation is a gift of gold or items to a user that may need a helping hand. If you are questing, it is always best to create a thread that can track your status in your quest. Users looking to help just might send something your way.
The Exchange - This forum was created to allow users to haggle prices and items in exchange for something else. In order to trade with other users, you must first perchase a Trading Pass. This trading pass costs 500g and you may purchase this pass at the [Bank. Make sure, before attempting to auction or sell an item, that you are aware of that items market value.
The chatterbox - This forum is specifically for spam. You have the option to post anything here provided that it follows Gaias TOS. Remember to always read the forums stickies for a basic outline on what not to do.
Barton Town - This forum is for roleplaying. This gives you the option to use your imagination to the fullest. Want to join in an RP? Browse the forum and find something of interest. You can even host and run your very own!
Minishops - Have skills? Sigs, Profile themes, Pixel art, animations, pets, it's all in high demand! Minishops is dedicated to users selling their skills. Talented in the artistic abilities? A quick and easy way to make gold can even mean taking a few commissions and drawing for users in the exchange of gold. If your not sure on how to create and operate your shop, or how to price what you offer, you can always visit The pricing and suggestions subforum] for help.
Polls - Polls offer gold nearly every time you answer them. Every thread that contains a poll, states so in it's title. In *most* cases, these polls offer a 10g reward, however; your post count affects the time you need to wait to answer another poll. The more active you are on this site, the less you'll have to wait for your 10g.
The Games
For more information of Game Item exchanging, visit here
Towns - Towns offers a variety of options for you. If your just looking for a good conversation or perhaps a new friend, you can use towns as a good way to get into touch with Gaia's users. The most active area in towns is 5 Barton 001000; however, if you are looking to simply earn gold, you can instead roam the vast areas of towns and collect bugs, flowers and trash.
Bugs - Bugs often fly around the maps. Each bug has a different color. You may either sell these bugs or earn enough bugs to obtain inks, which can also be sold.
Trash - Trash is often lying around on the ground within Towns. There are a variety of types and each can earn you a different item that can either be worn or sold in the marketplace. Trash does not require you to purchase anything, in order to obtain them.
Flowers - Flowers grow in Towns. At the flower shop, you may also take the flowers you collect as well as the inks made from bugs and create beautiful bouqets.
Trees, bushes, rocks With the newest version of towns out, you can now "shake" tress, rocks and bushes. Doing this may cause some free gold to drop! Anything that drops is yours, you can gain anything from 1-10 gold from ONE tree! An easy way to earn!
Fishing - Fishing is just that. Fishing. In order to fish, you must first purchase a Fishing Rod, as well as Bait. You can do this Here. Each rod and bait can lead to catching different types of fish. Some can only be caught using certain types and in certain locations. For more information on Fishing, Please visit here.
Slots - Slots is a casino game. In order to play slots you must first purchase tokens at the Casino. Each token is only 1g. Once you get into the slots, you can bet 1-3 tokens. Through this game, you win Tickets that can be exchanged at the Prize and Joy. They can also be sold in the Market.
Black Jack - Black Jack is a casino card game. The goal is to reach 21 before your opponent does. You must also purchase Tokens to play this game. For more information on this game, please visit here.
Word Bump - Word Bump is a spellng game for the most part. Spell words within a time frame to bump up selected letters to the top. You can earn both gold and various credits (which will be used in the future to purchase items).
Gaia Features
Random Events - Events happen randomly to every user. These events can give you either gold or items. How do you know you have an event? If you see: eek by your avatar, this is the time to look around. Look for either a Pink Link which can give you 1k in gold or an object floating around on the screen. If you find this, click it and it'll go directly to your inventory. You can either open these to get the item inside or sell them.
The MarketPlace - The market place gives you the chance to open up your very own store, used to sell your items at a set price, rather than haggling in the exchange. In order to obtain this store, you must first purchase a Vendings Liscense (costs 1k). You may purchase this at The Bank. For more information on making a store, Please go here
Guilds - Tired of visiting the forums? Spam bothering you -- or perhaps the attitude of it's users? You can always turn to guilds for a good place to chat. You can either create your own guild towards any subject you'd like (Providing the Gaia TOS. Guilds cost 20k to create) or you can join guilds. Keep in mind that some guilds have a join fee, while others do not. Each guild specifies the fee at the bottom of it's front page. To check out what guilds we have, Please go here.
Profiles - Profiles are the personal pages of users. You can either create your own theme, purchase a theme or use a pre-made theme which you can obtain through tektek (link is at the top of this page). Although you do not recieve gold for every profile comment you recieve, you do recieve gold for every profile comment you make. This process acts very much like polling and can offer 10g or more for your comments.
Donation Letters - Donation letters are always a good investment. Although this is a pay-free site, you have the option to donate money to Gaia. For every $2.50 you give, you recieve a letter in return. These letters are sealed until the end of the month, in which they offer a choice of 2 items. After that month is over, the item is no longer available and is limited. In time, the older these items get (depending on their popularity), their value will increase and you can make a pretty hefty profit. It's always a good idea to invest in these items. Even if you need to purchase the letter via gold, you may do so in the exchange or marketplace.
User-run Activities
Avatar Contests - Avatar contests can be held in the chatterbox or the Avatar Talk forums. These contests often have a fee to pay but also give a prize to it's winner. Hosting these can often lead to a small profit, depending on how you price your fees and prize. For example : 10 users x 250 gold fee - 2000 gold prize = 500 gold profit
Art auctions - Depending on the level of your skill and what you offer, you can literally make millions of gold on an art auction. Posting your samples and what you offer, then set an autobid (something really high) will allow users to bid what they think your art is worth. Check out the R&C Auctions forum to get a general idea of an art auction.
Lottos - These generally require a lot of patience. By creating a lotto, you are offering users tickets at a set price. Once all tickets are sold, a winner is chosen (It's always best to use a random number generator to do this) to recieve a large sum prize. These follow the same method Avatar Contests do, but can offer a larger profit to the user who's hosting. For example: Sell 500 tickets for 200g each. Offer a 90k prize, which leaves a 10k profit to the lottos host.
*note; When coming across trades; businesses, exchanges and sales, always be wary of 'to good to be true' offers and deals. Scams happen; as they do on every website. Don't fall victim!"
from the forums:
"Just do random things, but personally the FASTEST way is to donate to gaia. and sell the items you get."
" Art shops, vending, games. Buying MCs with cash then selling."
"i do like 8 normal level puzzles everytime i get on gaia"
"Get bugs make ink sell tattoos...at least thats what i sometimes do"
"Donations and Art.
"go on gaia everyday and do all the first gold bonuses, then just go around bumping comenting and voting in arenas and stuff
that plus vending and buying MCs or stuff with cash then selling"
"Get bugs make ink sell tattoos...at least thats what i sometimes do"
??? says:
I want to make gold just as much as anyone here right? Well I may seem like a noob but I've been on gaia for almost 3 years. I've been here since 2004. Now, I know I don't have expencive things or anything, but that's because I donate. ALOT. Also because this is my side account. Now, instead of begging people to donate heres a guide that will help you with that gold problem. The following guide will help you.
~The Guide of Wisdom~
What is gold?; you may ask. Well, gold is a virtual currency that we use on Gaia for pretty much everything. All items, games and some premium features on the site can be purchased with Gaia gold. There are tons of ways to get Gaia gold, just find some ways that you enjoy!
~Daily Chances~
First up, do your daily chances. These are pretty easy to get easy gold from. Any items you don't want from dail chance, sell them in the shops.
Now, youmay ask, what is the daily chance? The daily chance is in the left top corner when you go to the home page, my gaia page, community, games, world, and Gstore pages for your first time that day. Then click on the box in the daily chance box and you get gold or items.
Next, do your daily gold earns. The longer your on gaia the more you get for doing them. Like when I first did them when I joined I got roughly around the 10 gold neighborhood. Now I get about 25-75 gold. Now you might ask, what are the daily gold earns those are when you do your first posting, commenting, and etc. Start off by giving a random comment on a friends profile. Now, even if it's not your first time you still get gold. Then post on your thread or a random one. Remember, no spaming when you post. Next, do your first rate of the day at the arena. And first comment in the arena. Now you got your daily gold earns done.
Another thing to get gold earns is buying cheap things in the marketplace. I find it easier to find cheap prices on clothing items, and Blox, and masks.
Now, yes, it's hard to beat other people getting the items but, heres a trick, type in your password in the box that says search keyword. Copy it. Now erase it so no one sees it. Next time it asks to confirm your purchase just paste it and you get the purchase done faster.
Also, in finding cheap prices most people mistake the prices as good deals or bad deals to make sure you don't fall for someone tricking you to buy something for a higher price then you think the item usually is, look for this.
Click the buy now button or bid button and see under where it says, price in shops.
For example, if you want to buy a chicken mask and it says the store price is 150. Make sure the price your bidding or buying it is half the price as it is in the stores. Because if your going to sell it it needs to be under the price your selling it for so you can make a profit.
~More Ways~
For a low price of 25 gold purchase F fishing bait. F works just as good as A except F is cheaper. Go fishing and fill your bucket. Sell your fish and junk items. See, you generaly make a profit selling your fish. The price that you make for selling your fish is higher then how much you payed for bait.
Another way is to go to towns. Anywhere in towns is fine. Shaking bushes, rocks, and trees by clicking on them can make gold fall out make you gold fast. In this by doing one thing you can make 0-10 gold on one shake. Quick gold huh? Also getting bugs and exchanging them for ink from Moira at Durem Depot can get you some gold. Inks sell for 2 gold each on the marketplace but you got to catch alot!
~Slots and Cards~
Another way is by slots and cards. Slots are more chancy then cards because slots are luck while cards are skill. So I suggest playing cards instead of slots. After cashing in your winnings for tickets you can sell the tickets for 2 gold each on the marketplace or save them up and buy yourself something at Prize and Joy. Then, you can keep sell it on the marketplace. For example, if you bought something for 1300 tickets sell it for 2600. Double the amount and you can increase it by 100 to make a huge profit.
~Things to look for in the Marketplace~
Some easy things that people sell cheaply in the marketplace are, Worthless Black Giftbox
Chicken Mask
Peasant Items
Spirit Falcon
Now heres the prices you should look for them at-
Worthless Black Giftbox= 0 - 800 gold
Chicken Mask= 0 - 70 gold
Blox's= 0 - 45 gold
Peasant Top= 0 - 40
Peasant Booties= 0 - 30
Spirit Falcon= 0 - 7200
Besides for the Mask, Blox's, and peasant items you sell in the stores you should sell the rest of them at-
Worthless Black Giftbox= 1100 gold
Spirit Falcon= 7600
Surfing is just browsing the marketplace, going through pages on the world map, etc. It's practicly anything except browsign the g-store and anything on games. You randomly get gold by doing these things.
~Investing and Patience~
Investing in buying monthly collectibles is a great way to make gold! It may be expencive to your real cash but if your serious about making gold and you go on gaia regularly, then it's worth it. I only bought one collectibe in my whole almost 3 years at gaia. (I bought it on my main account this is my side). And it was a Mochie Puppy. Back in the days then a lot of people had mochies and they weren't worth more then 7.9k. Now they're worth over 30k. Wow. See, my point is if you hold on to your collectibles long enough you can make alot of gold.
~Other Random Things~
Posting in forums is another way to earn gold. By having a chat with someone on forums you can meet new people, make new friends and make gold!
Vote, and comment in the arena! Rate other members' avatars and artwork and houses - is it awesome or not-so-awesome? You'll get gold for every vote you give and ever comment.
Sell your talent! If you create art, writing, or just a fun game, you can find tons of people willing to buy your goods and services on Gaia! Because if none of there friends are on and there bored they may want something to oocupy them.
~Gold Tips~
Everything you do on Gaia earns you Gaia Gold, but don't be boring! If you do the same thing over and over, you'll earn less and less gold.
Get out and explore! Every day, the first time you do anything- play games, making a forum post, sending a PM, or whatever- you'll get more gold for it than usual.
The more time you spend on Gaia, the more gold you'll earn, so stick around!
Keep your eyes peeled for special rare events and bonuses. They could pop up at any time.
Hope you enjoyed my guide pm me if theres anything you'dlike me to add.
Comments on it are accepted here and so are bumpers! Thanks! Please tell me how you like the guide. Thanks again! ^^
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