Don't be stupid...
It's not smart...
Hello everyone! If you haven't noticed based on the title of this entry, it's my seventeenth birthday today! ^-^ Thank you (in advance) for all the birthday wishes from my friends and family. Hm. Seventeen. It seems like such a long time but I've still got so much more time to live. I suppose I always reflect like this on my birthday. The fact that I have a birthday to celebrate still makes me all the more appreciative of the life I have. Although it's not always a picnic in the park, it's still my life to live and I intend to live it to the best of my ability. There are still so many things in life I look forward to like graduating from high school and going to college, getting a good job, maybe finding the guy I want to marry someday (but that is definitely not a priority...life before marriage!). Hmm...anyway! I would like to make a special shout out to Misaki-chan, Seishi-chan, Wolfie-kun, Zyke-san, and Haru-kun. You guys are so awesome! ^-^/)) I hope my birthday goes without interruptions...o_o;;;;;; Oh dear...Ooooh! I shall now will said people things that only they could have...
To Misaki I will my common sense...because that girl clearly needs some. Unfortunately I would never leave Rei with you because I know for a fact that you would put him through way to much. You sadist....
To Seishi I will my ability to create elegant and renown character profiles. A skill in which I cherish greatly. I also will my beloved Iruka for then he would be with Chiyue in all their blissful days to come...
To Wolfie I will my ability to have an uber awesome time with friends. Freshman year is the best year ever! I also will to you my darling Jagger so that he may be with his one true love for all of eternity....
To Zyke I will to you my dearest Kazuma, because I know you alone are the one who will take utterly good care of him. I also will to you my writing abilities and credentials to my part of Kazuma and Zykeshta's story. Make it a number one bestseller!
To Haru I will my affections and my shoulder so that whenever you need someone to talk to, you know you can always talk to me. I also will Rin to you as there is no other person I would ever want to role play Haru. And, if you so wish, I also will you a piece of my heart as you are a very dear person to me, and one whose company I shall cherish forever....
To all my friends, I will my eternal friendship and support...I will always be a shoulder to lean on, an ear to listen, a friend to confide in...
I love you guys!
Monday October 22, 2007
To Misaki I will my common sense...because that girl clearly needs some. Unfortunately I would never leave Rei with you because I know for a fact that you would put him through way to much. You sadist....
To Seishi I will my ability to create elegant and renown character profiles. A skill in which I cherish greatly. I also will my beloved Iruka for then he would be with Chiyue in all their blissful days to come...
To Wolfie I will my ability to have an uber awesome time with friends. Freshman year is the best year ever! I also will to you my darling Jagger so that he may be with his one true love for all of eternity....
To Zyke I will to you my dearest Kazuma, because I know you alone are the one who will take utterly good care of him. I also will to you my writing abilities and credentials to my part of Kazuma and Zykeshta's story. Make it a number one bestseller!
To Haru I will my affections and my shoulder so that whenever you need someone to talk to, you know you can always talk to me. I also will Rin to you as there is no other person I would ever want to role play Haru. And, if you so wish, I also will you a piece of my heart as you are a very dear person to me, and one whose company I shall cherish forever....
To all my friends, I will my eternal friendship and support...I will always be a shoulder to lean on, an ear to listen, a friend to confide in...
I love you guys!
Monday October 22, 2007
Otanjoubi Omedetou Gozaimasu!
Happee Birfdae!
Happee Birfdae!

Community Member
Marius: -snatches him away- MINE! Get your own, man!
Wolfie: -sigh- well, at least I gets friendshi- ...MARIUS!!!!
Mari: -cute smile- hehehe?
Anyway, happy birthday, Izu chan! I'm sorry I couldn't be there to witness it or send you a message. So this would be belated, then, right? ...Damn. Late. ...>>
So guess what! You're 17 now! One more year away from being legal! AND you can buy lottery tickets and Porn! xD Yeah....next year's gonna be a party. lol
Luffles and Hugs,
Wolfie-chan, Marius Winchester, Wolfe Burton, Lazarus Hargreaves, Syn Winchester, Nathan Winchester, Belos....and.......anyone else. ^^