(I stole this from XMisuteru~KitsuneX because I am BORED.... I wonder if he fill get mad at meh.... eek )
i n f o r m a t i o n 1. name: Can't tell ya my real name so I will tell you my RP name "Rinoga (or Rin) Kazama" 2. single or taken: Single and looking 3. sex: Female 4. birthday: September 18 6. siblings: 1 big brother 7. hair color: dark brown 8. eye color: hazele, but mainly brown 9. shoe size: 7 & 1/2 or sometimes 8 10. height: 4'11
r e l a t i o n s h i p s 1. who are your best friends?: people that I can get alonge with but end up sometimes being completly different from meh 2. do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: nope
f a s h i o n | s t u f f 1. where is your favorite place to shop: I like the hotopic's cloths, but I get most of my cloths at JC pennys or something 2. any tattoos or piercings: thinking about it
s p e c i f i c s 1. do you do drugs?: Nope 2. what kind of shampoo do you use?: VO5 conditioner and VO5 shampoo and Suave Naturals shampoo and contitioner and LOREAL Preference contitioning concentrat and I used to use head and sholders shampoo and some kind of expencive shampoo and conditioner thingy. 3. what are you most scared of?: Ghosts 5. who is the last person that called you?: Angela 6. where do you want to get married?: not sure 7. how many buddies are online right now?: ZERO!!! 8. what would you change about yourself?: My hairy body I'D MAKE ME HAIRLESS! f a v o r i t e s 1. color: Dark blue, blood red, black, dark forest green 2. food: Chocolate, french fries, spagetii, ramen... unhealthy foods razz 3. boys names: Link, Squall, Kevin, Lestat, Chris, Shessommaru, Inuyasha, Keba.... names like that... xd 4. girls names: Athena, Maya, Judy, Emily, Rin, Gabriele, Hazel Lol, Zelda, Yoko..... names like that...... blaugh 5. subjects in school: Art and P.E. 6. animals: White tigers, grey or white or black wolfs, black stallion... I LOVE CATS!!! 7. sports: Kickball.... and if this couts DDR *the music on that could be better* h a v e | y o u | e v e r 1. given anyone a bath?: My cat 2. smoked?: No, I hate it when people smoke, my mom and brother smoke... stare 3. bungee jumped?: Don't think so 4. made yourself throw up?: Nope 5. skinny dipped?: NO! 6: ever been in love?: .... ummm...... I don't think..... 7. made yourself cry to get out of trouble?: I don't think so..... maybe? 8. pictured your crush naked?: I only did that once when my friend was teasing me!! whee 9. actually seen your crush naked?: ACK NO!! 10. cried when someone died?: I cry sometimes.... maybe a few? 11. lied: Of course, I'm human 12. fallen for your best friend?: Nope 13. been rejected?: Nope 14. rejected someone?: Yeah..... 15. used someone?: No 16. done something you regret?: Yeah....
c u r r e n t clothes: blue jeans, and ummmmm.... some kindof shirt that covers me and is not black (have a white cat who likes to rub on black things) make-up: Does chap stick count? annoyance: My brother blaugh smell: I like the smell of freshly clean non smok smell cloths favorite group/artist: I like Korn, Slipknot, Papa Roach, Rob Zombie... ummm and a few others desktop picture: A picture of a baby kitten sitting on top of it's mom book you're reading: Halo fall of reach or something... the long walk by stephen King, Black stallion returns, stuff like that... blaugh in cd player: Queen of the Damed CD in dvd player: nothing right now
l a s t | p e r s o n you touched: No one..... I think... hugged: Friends and family and my CAT!! you imed: Friends that I met in person or people I enjoy talking to you yelled at: My brother for anoying meh you kissed: I'm pritty sure this doesn't count.... but I kissed a guy in 2ond grade Lol
s a m e | s e x what attracts you: in the same sex...? Ummmm... I'm not attracted to the same sex last person you slow danced with: ..... I've never slow danced before.... I danced in the living room with my dad before...Lol that day was funny makes you laugh the most: My best friend Angela makes you smile: Friends and cat and family and sometimes people I chat on line with and BEATING GAMES AND ACOMPLISHING THINGS IN SCHOOL AND DRAWING A PICTURE I LIKE!!! xd who do you have a crush on: A guy called Chris d o | y o u | e v e r
sit on the internet all night waiting for that someone special to im you?: No wish you were a member of the opposite sex?: I have sometimes wish you were younger: Nope cried because someone said something to you?: No, but I've gotten realy angery before
N u m b e r of times i have had my heart broken: zero of hearts i have broken: zero of guys ive kissed: 1 if in 2ond grade counts lol of girls ive kissed: Zero *I'm straight* well not unless you cound kissing my mom on the cheek or my grandperents, or aunts Lol of continents you've been to?: Umm......... 2 of tight friends: 4 or 5 I think of cds i own: Ummmmm.... 30, 20 I only listen to like.... less or as much as half of them of scars on my body: Umm.. 5 I think F i n a l | Q u e s t i o n s 1. do you like fillings these out?: Not anymore I'm getting hunery lol 2. gold or silver: Silver 3. what was the last film you saw at the movies?: Madagascar (a school feild trip) 7. favorite cartoon/anime?: Wolf's Rain, Inuyasha, and Full Metal Alchemist 8. what did you have for breakfast this morning?: Nothing yet 10. who would you love being locked in a room with?: LINK! blaugh 11. could you live without your computer?: Yup (as long as I can keep the keybored) 12. would you color your hair? I'd like to color my hair a dark blue biggrin 13. could you ever get off the computer?: Yup 14. habla espanol? Si... only some like.... yosoy Octavia (don't know if that's how you spell ANY of that) 15. how many people are on your buddy list?: 7 I think 16. drink alcohol? No I don't like the smell of alcohol
Rinoga · Wed Jun 08, 2005 @ 07:46pm · 4 Comments |