I finaly beat Legend of Zelda Ocarina of time!!!! xd I FINALY beat my first Legend of Zelda game. Now I'm gonna draw lots of pictures of Link and all those other characters!!! Oh yeah, I drew a picture of Yuri from Shadow hearts. Mom said he looked like a cross dresser because he had his hand on his hip and he had big hips and because of his pose and he was just all out GIRLY!!! Oh and their is this band called "Dir en Grey" and I've never heared them play befor because they don't play in America *or at least I don't think* but they are very PRITTY!!! And sometimes cute *when they don't look like asian girls* and they have realy nice hair and eyes!!! I think I'll "try" to draw them one day (I wonder if I can...) confused
Rinoga · Wed Jun 08, 2005 @ 12:07am · 2 Comments |