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Sammirah's Bubble
I don't know what this will be like. I don't know what anything's like.
more marketplace rantings
It is so easy to sell stuff on the marketplace. Well, duh.

But I mean, to actually get people to buy stuff. Particularly store items.

Why do most people sell their store items for more than the store price?? Just because it's gonna take me a couple of extra minutes to search all the stores for it doesn't mean I'm going to pay 200 extra gold to buy it from you.

All I need to do is like something like 50, 20, even 10 gold under store price and it sells like a hotcake.

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commentCommented on: Tue Jun 07, 2005 @ 08:20am
Alot of people post it for more, hoping that a newbie will think it's worth that much and buy it.

commentCommented on: Wed Jun 08, 2005 @ 02:09am
I get my s**t from boxxes.

I do a search of the Marketplace and sell a hundred or below that (Depending on, yanno, how high the price is to begin with) and do it that way.

If they're overcharging - whoops! But oh well.

The Mighty Z-Rex
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