ok so day off skool waht do u do? go ot with friends? heeeeeeeeeeeell no! go to a movie? bugger off!!! u spend the day on gaia just to piss ur control freak dad off! yes mwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaa *cough cough* so umm yea thats waht i did to day i'm real close to liek geitting baned but eh, who cares, i don't neeeeeed the computer, and besides i just go on when hes still sleep mwhahaha, dude i was so anoyed cos i posed 2 more picutes on fhte art thing and they didn't approve them cos they tohught they were like copied or traced and i awas like omg get out! i was so mad cos i would never trace ant of my stuff, i'm gona like... complain or somehting cos i mean thats just like bad!! grrrrrrrr to the ppl who decied what gets aproved and what dosen't
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