Dedicated to a dear friend, Live this through, you’ll make it, don’t worry.
No one knows what she's going through, and no one seems to care, she feels like hell; and she thinks she living in it too. she doesn’t know how she got there; and doesn't know how she’ll get back. she wants to die; but just can’t seem to make it happen, she tries to get through the sufferance, but still wants to die, she remembers what a friend said to her once, “suicide is a permanent answer for a temporary problem.” she knows what it means; and knows not to harm herself in any way, or else everything ends. suicide is a permanent answer for a temporary problem.
From a friend that cares, Take care, I love you like a sister, and don’t want anything to happen to you,
This was for my friend when she got preganet at the age of 13 hope you liked it, she did
x50000xTEARSx · Tue Oct 16, 2007 @ 01:18am · 0 Comments |