Septemeber 9,2006
Not everyone will like you
They have no clue
They just judge what they see
What they hear, they'll believe
Don't feel bad
They're the ones who should be sad
They didn't take the time...
Dear Brent, February 25,2007
Your body next to mine
Everything feels just fine.
I hear your heart race
It beats at a steady pace.
I hold you very hard and tight
Sleep with you through the night.
I tell you I love you
You say you love me too.
I give you a kiss
One that's pure bliss.
I have this feeling in my stomach
It is pleasant, I don't feel sick.
Your body gives off a lot heat
I wonder how it'd be if we didn't meet.
I love the feeling of you're touch
Only if we cuddled everytime this much
Confrontation August,2007
Confrontation is my nightmare
To me it does more than scare
I shake, my heart aches
My heart pounds and does race
My face is beating hot
Its very red, I've been caught
I cry my eyes out
I freak without a doubt
I hate reality
Everyone lies to me
I talk about everyone
No matter what, I have never won
I'm worthless
Only hopeless
My laughs aren't real
You'll never know how I feel
How I feel Septemeber 24,2007
I'm one lost, scared individual confused about the world,
Somedays I lay crying in a ball curled.
I don't know who I am anymore,
I need to find a cure.
Is God and Heaven real,
If not, what is the big deal?
Is there such thing as sexuality?
This thing has taken over me!
Have I lost my mind?
I guess I'm just blind.
I live in a world of dreams,
Nothing is how it seems.
I can't make my own choice,
What happened to my voice?
I can't be all alone,
I can't make decisions on my own.
My mom has gone out of her head,
Sometimes it feels like she is dead.
My dad is rude and cruel,
He lets my step-mom rule.
My grandma steals my littles sister,
Sleeps half naked in the bed with her.
I love my other two sisters a lot,
Even if they tell when I am caught!
I'm trying to find my purpose here,
Brent I love you dear.
This Boy I Met(fictional) September 26,2007
When my life was boring with nothing to do
I walked around the corner and found you
You took the words right out of my mouth
I took your hand and we ran down south
You caught me when I fell
I was living in Hell
You saved me from disaster
My heart started beating faster
We decided to run
Run from what we have done
Hoping no one would find us
We jumped on the nearest bus
Left the town we once lived in
Never wanting to return again.
![]() pinkbabycakes Community Member ![]() |
Community Member
ur also rite about ur poetry
lol ninja