Alone in the darness trapped in my soul i feel my heart breaking my body is so cold
i want your arms around me for hope that i could find my strength in weakness and finally feel good
i am alone in my mind no one even cares about my thoughts of suicide and no ones ever here
i run through this darkness searching for a way to find the road to your heart to find the path to day
i finally fall to my knees my face drenched with tears i start to lose all my hope ive been lost for many years
i try to have trust in friends but i never can explain all my emotions locked inside theres nothing left to gain
i lay there on the cold ground wishing you were here i cut my wrists with a knife and my blood meets the air
i lay there and slowly die my blood on the ground until my heart finally stops still no one is around...
my lifeless body lies there in the middle of the woods lost in the darkness running did no good.
x50000xTEARSx · Sat Oct 13, 2007 @ 10:50pm · 0 Comments |