Just Ignore This. Or Look. I Don't Care. XD |
 Name: Jinn Cooper Age: Seventeen (He's actually about Seventy three years old.) Gender: Male Race: Vampire Height: 5' 11" Weight: 125 Ilbs Bloodtype: AB Personality: Jinn is a bit hard to describe. It's almost like he has a split personality- you see one side when you don't know him, and a completely different face when you're close to him. If you're not close, Jinn appears to be very nonchalant with a Blase attitude towards most things. He's sarcastic and sharp-tounged when he speaks, but he'll usually just stay silent, a bored look on his face. He's known to shrug, grumble, and slouch. He's not exactly the most polite person, and he'll be very blunt with you about any subject. Once you get to know Jinn, though, you'll find that he's extremely protective -possesive, even- of those he loves. Though he's still blunt and stubborn, he's a bit softer around the edges and tries not to hurt those he's close to. If you really get to know him, he's also very aware of what goes on around him. He does pay attention, he just doesn't show it. Bio: Jinn was bitten at the ripe age of seventeen- and he can't remeber anything before that night. Since then, he's wandered the world, surviving but not really feeling or living. He took lives without a second thought, never concerned about who he killed. One night, though, that changed. Draining an older woman of her blood, he heard her last dying words as her frail hand reached his cheek. She whispered into his ear as the life drained from her eyes. "Jinn... My son...." Horrified at what he'd apparantly done, the numbness Jinn had felt evaporated. Nearly forty-six years old at the time, Jinn started looking for answers to his past life. As the years passed, her stumbled across a large city in Maine. Drawn to the place, he posed as a Transylvanian Senior exchange student when he was actually over seventy years old. He made friends with two boys named Joe and Jake, and through them met Delilah, whom he developed a crush on. However, he also met Colin- the guy out to Kill Delilah and her friends. Well, this is much more interesting then wandering aimlessly. Activities: Jinn doesn't participate in any extraciricular sports, but he attends his friends games occasionally. Played By:
 Name: Joeseph Kingsly (Joe For Short.) Age: Seventeen Gender: Male Race: Human Height: 6' 1/2" Weight: 120 Ilbs Bloodtype: O Personality: Joe is a very likeable person- kind, caring, and generous to his friends, he loves to both listen and talk. Mostly the later, though. Hyper, strong-willed, and somewhat snoopish, Joe knows just about everything about everyone. Though he doesn't neccisarily mean it, Joe is a big gossip- he loves to tell stories, and simply can't be trusted with important secrets. Though he's a fun, caring friend, Joe isn't a person you'd truly confide in, unless you didn't mind the general public knowing about your thoughts, feelings, and problems. Joe likes to pry into other peoples business, and he also likes to try and 'help.' He usually ends up screwing something up or making the situation worse, though. Bio: Joe grew up in your everyday home- A busy but loving father, warm, caring mother, and darling little sister. Nothing was extremely odd or important about the family- Joe's Dad worked for a large company and his Mother stayed at home, taking care of the two children. When the two got older, however, strange-but extraordinary-things started to happen. Joe's younger sister, Mary, turned out to be an extremely advanced child. Though she was two years younger then her brother (who was six at the time), the young girl was already able to do Algebraic equations. At the young age of Twelve, Mary wound up getting into highschool, and graduated when she was Thirteen. That same year, he went off to one of the nations top colleges, and is still studying there. Joe, meanwhile, became extremely advanced in music. By age five, he could play violin with the best of them, play Piano like and expert, and was an acceptional guitarist as well. joe, however, did not flaunt his musical talent. In fact, he never told anybody about it, except for his closest friend- Jake. He takes private lessons on Thursdays, tuesdays, and saturdays in his home. Activities: Joe plays Clarinet in the band, but never lets on to how good he can actually play. Played By:
 Name: Jake Thompson Age: Sixteen Gender: Male Race: Angel Height: 5' 9" Weight: 100 Ilbs Bloodtype: A Personality: Jake is a kind, gentle soul. Easy going and relaxed, he tends to make people feel eased and unpressured. Because of this, he is easy to talk to and an excelent keeper of secrets. Sweet, caring, and more a listener then a talker, Jake was the ability to keep silent and listen to someones problems. He tries his best to herlp, and his advice is usually very helpful if you can decipher the meaning. Extremely intelligent and thoughtful, Jake has a philisophical, mostly optimistic look on life. One of the nicest people you'll ever meet, people are instantly drawn to him for help, guidience, and friendship- though he's extremely shy and jumpy himself. Bio: Jake was born an angel, and born for a special purpose- he was to be a gaurdian angel. But not just to one particular person- oh no. He was sent down to Earth, in the form of a teenage boy, to help and guide others. His job is to listen and help all those that come to him. The only problem? He's terribly shy. Though he tries his best to help anyone he comes across, Jake is horrible at meeting people. He's also extremely skitish and jumpy, so when you do get to know him, you have to be careful around him. Jake came to Maine posing as a shy foster child that had (supposedly) been recently adopted. Intelligent for his age, he was put with the Senior class instead of the juniors. It was there that he met his three closest friends- Delilah, Chrissy and Joe.Though he's aquintinced with almost everyone, those are his three true 'friends.' He suspects that there's something different about Jinn and Meredith both, but he's not sure what. Activities: Jake is on the Basketball team, and is actually very good at the sport. He's rarely on the court, though, because of his height and fragile appearence Played By:
 Name: Colin Jacobson Age: Eighteen Gender: Male Race: Unknown Height: 6' 2" Weight: 132 Ilbs Bloodtype: O Personality: Colin is what one might call 'cocky' 'stuck up' or 'full of himself.' All three are fitting, in truth. Haughty and stubborn, Colin is a person who loves challenges because he knows he'll win. Wether it's sports or an argument, Colin rarely ever looses at something he wants to win. On the rare occasions he does loose, he'll somehow make the winner's life miserable. Like i've said: He always wins, one way or another. (Though that Jinn kid is posing a major threat.) Colin does have a softer side, however, once you get to know him. Though he always comes off as cocky, he's also playful, flirtatious, and actually a bit nice when you get down to him. You have to dig deep, though. REAL deep. Bio: Colin was adopted by an elite Assasin who became not only his father, but his teacher. Raised since birth on the art of silent killing, Colin quickly became an elite assasin. He was carrying out adult missions since he was merely twelve years old, and his skills only got better as he got older. He even outdid his teacher, the man who had raised him. Shortly after this feat, the old man died of natural causes. Colin, then fourteen, started to wander around, until he came across a major mission when he was fifteen. A clan of vampire hunters, the Tallows, hired him to hunt down two Vampire Protectors that had risen up. They had a hunch who the two where; Their disowned daughter and another daughter of a different hunter clan. In return for his services, they paid him handsomely and gave him shelter in their home. Posing as a foster child, the boy joined school and instantly became popular with both the girls and the teachers. Following his orders, Colin made his targets and their friends lives as miserable as he could. Delilah, Chrissy, Jake, and Joe where all objects of his torture, until Meredith came into the picture. She defended them all, and Colin eventaully developed a crush on her. But puppy love isn't going to get in the way of his mission: Destroy his targets, Delilah and Chrissy. But how can he kill them silently when there's eyes everywhere? Activities: Colin is the star of the Basketball team, Quarteback of the football team, and even a star track athlete. He won't let you forget it, either. Played By:
 Name: Delilah Maximum Age: Seventeen Gender: Female Race: Human Height: 5' 6" Weight: 100 Ilbs Bloodtype: A Personality: Delilah is a very quirky person. Inquisitive, witty, and a bit strong headed are all ways you could describe her, but the way most people describe her is simply 'Odd' or 'Strange.' There's no denying the fact- she does pop off with random questions and strange comments here and there, but Delilah is alsoa very cunning person. She's smart- she just doesn't always show it. Delilah is typically a very outgoing, forth right person who doesn't mind being alone. She loves to see the looks on people's faces when she asks them strange questions- but she also loves to have serious discussions. Like a originally said; Delilah is a very quirky person. Bio: Delilah was born into a family of Vampire hunters. At age eight, though, she was disowned from the family when she attempted to defened a vampire her older brother was trying to kill. The vampire got away scot free- Delilah, however, did not. Disowned by the family, her memories where erased and she was put into an adoption program. Adopted at ten, Delilah led an otherwise normal life. She made friends, Chrissy, Joe and Jake, and the foursome became inseperable. For years, Delilah lead a pretty much care-free life; until Colin moved into town. For some reason, the guy seemed to hate Delilah and her Friends right off the bat. He often tormented them and made Chrissy and Delilah both cry on occasion. This carried on for a year or two of school; then Meredith moved to town. When she stuck up for the four, Colin backed off. Not entirely, but mostly. All was well until a new boy moved to town; Jinn. Delilah noticed, like Jake, that there was something strange about the new comer, but she couldn't figure out just what. Delilah -besides Chrissy- is the only one who knows Meredith's secret. Activities: Delilah is a reporter for the school newspaper as well as a photographer. Played By: [Twiggle]
 Name: Meredith Tong Age: Seventeen (In actually, she's nearly 200 years old.) Gender: Female Race: Vampire Height: 5' 10" Weight: 110 Ilbs Bloodtype: B Personality: Meredith is a strong, rebelious girl who knows how to stand her ground. Not a girl to be taken lightly, Meredith is strong in body, mind, and spirit- once she gets something in her head, there's no stoping her from achieving her goal by any means neccisary. Rebelious and sarcastic with a "Don't even try me" attitude, Meredith refuses to be pushed around and fights back with all her might. Meredith does have a kinder side, though, that she only shows to her friends. Protective and warm, Meredith can be your best friend when she's in the right mood. But in a bad mood, she's your worst nightmare. Watch out- this kitty has serious claws. Bio: Meredith, unlike most vampires, remebers her life before being bitten. She really does wish she could forget, though, as her former life was harsh and cruel in all ways possible. Born to a mother and father who where both drunk nearly all the time, Meredith was beaten often. Ever strong willed, she survived her childhood, battered and bruised, and managed to escape the prison of a house at fourteen. For three years, Meredith carried on her life by doing odd jobs and picking up a hobby that she still enjoys today; sketching. One night, however, walking home from a friend's home, Meredith was attacked, bitten, and left to die. Being the strong headed girl she is, though, she pulled through as she had many times before. After about fifty years of being on her own, she encountered three other vampires that posed as a human family; A middle-aged man named Carlson, a sweet, round woman named Molly, and a moody teenaged boy, the same age as Meredith. joining ther grouping, the foursome traveled across the nation, posing as different families and attempting to lead normal lives. When meredith moved in to this town, she befriended a few girls named Chrissy and Delilah, and eventually wound up telling themher secret. Besides that, however, they contineud to live normal teenage lives, until Jinn moved in. Meredith emidietely figured out jinn's secret- he just doesn't know that SHE knows. Activities: Meredith is, beieve it or not, an advice columnist for the school nespaper's "Ask Jane." Played By:
 Name: Christina Caravel (She goes by Chrissy.) Age: Gender: Race: Height: Weight: Bloodtype: Personality: Bio: Activities: Played By:
 Name: Rebecca Dunsworth Age: Gender: Race: Height: Weight: Bloodtype: Personality: Bio: Activities: Played By:
[Twiggle] · Sat Oct 13, 2007 @ 04:24am · 0 Comments |