<img src="http://images.quizilla.com/B/BlackWolf13/1091539368_yesofnight.JPG" border="0" alt="werewolf"><br>&p&The Werewolf:&/p&
The Werewolf is the symbol for Spiritual Paths.<br>You have the soul of a wolf inside you, which<br>makes you warm and caring to those you love.
Strengths: Protection is a number one priority,<br>and therefore you always gaurd the ones you<br>love and keep tight bonds with your pack mates.<br>Loyalty is strong within yourself, and you also<br>expect it from the ones who are close to you.
Flip Side: Even though you care for those you<br>love deeply, if they betray you, anger races<br>through your veins. The Werewolf, despite it's<br>warm fun-loving personality, can also stand up<br>for itself if need be. You would have no<br>problem hiding your anger if something sets you<br>off balance.
Congratulations! You have a Werewolf inside!
pic (c) Christy Grandjean aka GoldenWolfen
<img src="http://images.quizilla.com/H/hoplessromantic/1100931237_uresamoure.jpg" border="0" alt="amoure"><br>You are a hopeless romantic like me. ^_^ You dream<br>about whoever all day (rarely anything else) wink <br>Don't worry it's not a bad thing believe me. So<br>what's holding you back! Go get 'em!
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