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A Ripple in the Eddying Heart of Mankind
If the tendrils of night have beckoned you forth, come-- find comfort in the billowing dawn.
One who fell from honor
A soul figure stood upon the mere ashes that were left of a village as the wind flowed through its hair. It seemed to reminisce in all the memories that were now but traces of its former existence. As from now on, this young lad, this boy, was to be known as one of the dearly departed. He stood but feet away from the boundaries of his former life, his village in hazardous war, a war that he would no longer take place in. He was unwilling to stay within the darkness that beset his allies and collaborated with his enemies. He wasn’t sure if his absence was going to be looked over with an ignorant eye, but he believed this was best. They would have to do without his aid, finding their own way to impound the darkness that so adequately beleaguered them. He couldn’t last much longer within the everlasting civil wars. Anyone who was intelligent enough had already been listed as deceased but had truly deserted the cause of their brethren and now he was going to desert his village in its desperate time of need, turning his back on his brothers and ignoring their pleas. He was no longer what he once was, now a cold shadow of his former self. Destroying all bonds at any costs was his only way out...it’s what he had to do. He was too belittled by this war; he wanted to be known for something not simply dying in a foolish war where many others had already taken his place many times. It was only going to be a matter of time till his own time came but he wasn’t going to wait till death stood at his doorstep, its ghoulish presence striking fear into the living and drawing his undying soul away. No. Now was his time to let the world know who he was, it was his turn to kill all who stood in his way.

Turning his back away from the village, he stepped away and into the shadows of the evening sun which sent bloody streaks across the dying sky as screams of horror sounded after him, blood cloaking the streets he had just walked through and mimicking the dark omen of the cloudless sky above it. Blood ran deeply, its fresh scent wafting after his departing figure, his eyes blind to the pain of his village and the anguish of the dearly departing sun.
But that was days ago, or perhaps months, he could never really tell. But now his blue eyes shown through the gloomy light, his eyes concentrated on an all too familiar form as a struggle was put forth before him. His plan was to stay hidden for as long as possible until the right moment to finally attempt something hazardous. But for now his eyes followed the fleeing figures, his mind concentrating on only one in particular.

The pile of cans and bits of bed frame and doorknobs and ladder and light-bulbs and then all the things that could no longer be recognized, large and small and sundered, was steep and unstable. The girl was stubborn, however. The girl felt she was more stubborn than the pile was steep. She held the clock against her chest and began to slide down on her lower back, feet and free arm guiding the way. Garbage rose up like hills and mountains just over the mounds of her knees. The cans and scraps and odds and ends, but primarily cans in this heap, shifted unpredictably beneath her. Behind her, with less precision than she, were two men spitting foul language in her direction as they stumbled down the steep pile of trash. She had thought to loose them by running through the yard but they were persistent enough to follow and they, at the moment, were pent on rage to feel even the slightest of caution as they ran, or rather lurched, after her. Then, a terrible groaning sound erupted from the pile beneath her. A sudden crumbling collapse. In the landslide which followed, a sense of peace fell like a layer of dust over the pitch of the girl's panic. If she was to be crushed beneath so much garbage then in turn she too would one day know the immortal secrets of time. She would be like a stopped clock awaiting the day till she would live once again. But at the moment, even as the impending ground below drew towards her faster and faster, there was as sense of reconization that coursed through her being. She would die here and now, even though not truly, her sight shifting on the ground that raced towards her raised feet.

She closed her eyes quickly as the rumbling grew to a high pitched screech but then it all stopped and a dead silence met her ears. She slowly opened her eyes for her gaze to meet the chill of darkness, her mind swirling as the chill clutched her in its malevolent grasp. She felt alone as if nothing existed, nothing holding pleasant warmth, nothing bringing light to the situation that attempted to bewilder her. It was a terrifying thought that in the moments that had just passed she was truly lost to the world. But though it was terrifying, it was also a relief that she didn’t have to feel the pain that she knew would have left her in unbearable distress. Adequately, both emotions subdued the fear within her and let her remain spiteful of the surroundings that she was now present within.

Finding herself calm, even though a foreboding blackness lurked around her, she gazed around at the surrounding space with a hint of curiosity in her eyes but she couldn’t seem to depict anything within the abyss. She wasn’t bothered by the lack of light nor was she bothered by the dread that seeped from her surroundings. She was unafraid because it all seemed too familiar as if it was part of a past memory that lingered within the dark depths of her mind refusing to be beckoned forth to her consciousness.

Time passed slowly, or at least it seemed that way when you were absorbed in your own trifle curiosity. But the moments that treaded by so slowly seemed to abruptly stop when she heard a low moaning sound that reverberated through the darkness like the toll of a bell calling her attention to a light ahead. It was faint but it might give her a chance at obtaining the freedom that would all but be a relief to her at the moment. Quickly, without much thought, she ran towards it but she was met by the same blackness. It seemed to go on forever, her steps bringing her no closer to the light source as each footfall seemed to decline into dread blackness. This sinking feeling only made her lift her feet higher and run faster. She wasn’t about to give up and let herself be drowned in internal darkness. No, she would strive for the light, the mightiest of all agencies.
But there was always a door in front of everyone just waiting to be opened, who knew what adventure would come if that door was opened, good or bad it was better than just thinking about it. And so she didn’t think but instead concentrated on running towards her goal, her gaze trained on the faint light ahead. Her eyes bore into the darkness before her, the moments passing so slowly it seemed to go on forever, yet she knew she didn’t have forever. The world seemed to revolve around her and this small blossom of light, the only thing existing at the moment. But not everything was lost. She could make out slight movement around her even though it was on a large scale and a dull crippling sound that was barely audible to her ears yet so loud that in reality it sent trembles through the darkness around her. She could have turned and looked with a curious eye but she kept her concentration upon the light ahead.

She was barely aware of the blackness around her as it slowly lightened, a fluorescent light overwhelming her figure. Ahead, the light now seemed to shift as did the darkness. Moments crawled by, the light ahead dimmed and brightened as it slowly changed and morphed. Slowly, yet seeming deliberately fast in her eyes, the light ever so slowly took the shape of a humanoid figure.

Her eyes grew in recognition as she noticed its change urging herself further ever faster. A course hope ran through her as the light became more defined and the shape became more definite. She was sure now. She wasn’t the only one here in this dreaded place. She wasn’t lost anymore but had finally been found. It was hope that drew her onwards, hope which forced her onwards through the ever dispelling darkness. The light ahead was warm on her skin and now she was slightly aware of a forest growing around her, the darkness no longer shrouding the dank smelling wood that had probably been there ever since. She had just been unable to open her eyes wide enough to see it.

She could feel the rush of wind in her hair now, cooling her skin and sending debris across her path. As her surroundings had changed so had the figure that graciously held out his hand but a few feet away. She could now see him fully; two intelligent eyes observing the calm scene before them. They were calm and filled with a great knowing that ascended higher than anyone she had ever known. Each were filled with an unwavering and unchallenged curiosity, building as the sun inched lower in the clear sky above, the immense quantity they held burning in the last glimpses of the winnowing sun. They shown in the blossom of color around him as the rays filtered through the leaves’ dappling a green pattern against his dark skin. His hair was hard to see all due his stature in the wake of the sun’s rays, the last lights of the day glancing off his strangled white hair. Light flooded around him, a warm sensation against her skin. He had to squint his blue eyes to be able to see her in his strain of view, the water of the lake beside them sending glances of light in his direction as the surface of the water, changing ever so often due to an inhabitant of the elegant habitat sending ripples along its almost perfect surface. But his hand was unwavering awaiting her coming.

Now she slowed, her own hand reaching out. She wasn’t going to risk her chances of escaping the darkness even though she had left it behind. She had a faint sense that the darkness would be coming soon, it would be able to catch her sooner rather than later so she knew the urgency there was in the short moments that lapsed. Hope shown in her eyes, as her own hand grasped out towards his only to stop suddenly as his shape shifted before her. Fear suddenly crawled up her spine, afraid to loose the light he had so generously thought to bring her. She quickly crossed the gap between them but he was long gone. Disappearing from her sight like the ghoulish presence he really was. And as he did everything else soon dissolved. The sun, the light, the lake, leaves, trees, and the wind all disappeared around her leaving her in a cold dismayed state. She was alone again, all hope vanishing within her to leave but an empty case. She was somewhat aware of her consciousness being pulled into another layer of darkness- the shadows crawling back from their feeble impounds beckoning her figure back within the dark recesses in which they dwelled- this one just as dark but somehow lighter upon her soul. Her soul was pulling, tugging her away into the blackness of acknowledgement as her senses were liberated and she truly opened her eyes this time genuinely seeing.

Some one was calling, calling out to her with a frantic voice. She was oddly aware of being shaken, something cold clutching her. She wanted to stay were she was, unmoving and unfaltering standing out against the pitch blackness. She wanted to stay hidden from whatever called her willowing in her consternation, but she knew better. And then the darkness vanished and she gazed out into the blue sky above, the clouds placidly sailing by. She could still hear the voice but it was much louder now coming from some where close to her head. She had to turn her head to take in the full view of a familiar face beside her, the familiar features of a friend filled with an indecisive worry that was apparent in his blue eyes. It was all just a dream. She closed her eyes again hoping she could go back even if the blackness clutched to her again it was always better than this reality in which she had to exist. But it was all a dream.

Everyone has a dream in this world, of something better, or of something truly brilliant. Each of them unable to help themselves; it was only human nature to wonder and ponder. The mind's eye their curator; sleep their internal happiness. Without a dream or hope for something more they wouldn't be able to soar or move ahead. The sky wasn't the limits like many say; but many feared the unknown and so were kept within the boundaries of reality and under the clouds due to unknowing the vast mystery beyond existence; beyond time and space. Existence could be simply futile or maybe there was something more. Something helping the ones who are able to believe stretch their wings and soar; beyond the clouds, and towards whatever destiny lied in waiting. But at the moment she was stuck where she was put. Unable to move on, everything lurking in the black recesses of her mind unwilling to reveal themselves once more. Those memories were once forgotten, or so she hoped. But nothing is ever earnestly forgotten by the mind, everything catches up with you one way or another even if you deliberately run away from the past. But there was nothing to run to only something to hide from; the past is never forgotten but is always remembered for what it was and what it can be or might have been…

Her eyes slowly ebbed open once again, staring into those same blue orbs that were his brilliant eyes. She noticed the movement in which he made to attempt to lift her to her feet but she held up her own hand for him to stop which she instantly dropped to the ground. Her face was clutched in pain, the unpleasant physical sensation that she had just recently noticed was coursing through her entire body only noticeable when she moved any part of her anatomy. Her lips parted slightly to let out a heavy irritable, somewhat elaborated, sigh in which was followed by a simple query, “How?” How was she still alive? How and why did he somehow save her?

But he just stared at her, his mind contemplating the facts of which he could tell her and which he couldn’t. He decided to do something he had rarely done. His lips formed around inaudible words that she could instantly pick up.

I don’t know. How could he not? But she wouldn’t force it out of him; instead she was too preoccupied with the searing pain.

A small wheezing wisp as the air struggled to make its way into her lungs. She couldn’t see for short periods of time, the taste of blood swelling in her throat. She coughed, a liquid sufficiently making its way out of her body and onto the hard ground below, the cold ground extracting the warmth of the bodily liquid. Her body shook with agonizing tremors as waves of pain overlapped her consciousness. Tender as she was, she climbed her way to her feet, her eyesight barely helping her precarious ascent, an unnatural swaying threatening to send her sprawling back unto the ground now below her quaking feet. Her eyes were locked on that same ground, the height at which she stood seeming so high but in reality so low. Knowing she was balanced well enough, her eyes moved away from the perilous ground and up into the fervent eyes of her attackers. She was ready now though she knew she would be unable to withstand them if they did indeed decide to take back what she had stolen from them. But it seemed she would not be alone. She noticed the movement that brought the young boy to her side, understanding the stance in which he put right foot ahead of left.

This was the start he needed; he would be right by her side through it all. His adventure had finally begun and he hoped it would be of his tasting. Like a boy whom ran around in the rain, trying to catch the many raindrops on his tongue, he was wishing this one adventure, this one escapade, would be one of the raindrops the child saved and not one which crashed to the ground broken into brilliant pieces of its former existence. He had already been one of these abandoned raindrops, the fractures of his previous perceived personality lost within the dark recesses he was not willing to tread, time not being on his favorable side.

They both had wishes and dreams like everyone else, one to find a dream within the meaning of life and the other trying to find within life the adventure in which would change his world. But time was the contradicting factor against both and time was unstoppable; an impending force that could not be reasoned with. Dreams and memories were everlasting as long as the existence was proven. While time would move on forever weather you kept pace or were left behind and lost in its wake…

Time waits for no one… Or perhaps it does....


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