In seventh period today I went down to my friends desk and whispered in her ear a little inside joke...but she turned, startled, and I nearly kissed her on the lips! I missed by a hair and landed on really close to her mouth but on her cheek. gonk And my crush was all like..."Eeeeew! You kissed her?!" And I was soooo freaked out. Then on the bus and on Gaia I keep hearing all these gay jokes. But the problem is...I'm not gay!(no offense) But my crush, Shane is telling everyone I am. What should I do! I already tried telling everyone I'm not and that it's lie..but I'm affraid some of them don't beleive me. Also since I'm pretty lean and muscular(Not that much...just a little) they must think I'm gay! Any advice?! OMFG PLEASE HELP! crying redface gonk
XxGoddess-of-WaterxX · Thu Oct 04, 2007 @ 11:55pm · 2 Comments |