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The Daily Walks of Life of a Ghost in the Shadows
The events and happenings of touring around GAIA. From town, to forums, to games and everything we do here.
A load of crap in my head
What am I gonna do with myself nowadays? Still screwing around acting like a retard baby adult with no sense of direction. Sleeping late and waking up late and in turn makes my late attendance much of more of an anticipation of being kick out of work. I know what your going to say. Do something about it? Just let it be? It'll work out? or maybe the most tiring sense of hearing an advice of "Get your butt up to speed of things or you'll end up in the gutters with a knife on the side waiting for you to slit your throat with it."

Oh my? AM I gonna be a responsible adult and do something about it? Or just let it be? That's makes my day worse even worse when somebody hacks at me without knowing that I'm already in a foul mode since waking up. Maybe this is a result of a frustrating game called Oblivion. Got to hack it off....

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