Last update: 7-24-05

That's right. It's a Steel-Plated Ninja Band. These things are near impossiable to get. I need a ton of help on this one.

Yup. Questing for the Angelic Items. They are as follows:
-Angelic Boots
-Angelic Bracelet
-Angelic Camisole
-Angelic Gloves
-Angelic Headband
-Angelic Pendant
-Angelic Sash
-Angelic Scarf
-Guitar of Angellus
-Winged Anklets
-Bani Clips
-Staff of Angels

A Demonic quest to match my Angelic one. Items are as follows:
-Demonic Pendant
-Demonic Pitchfork
-Devil Tail
-Gotti Clips
-Guitar of Demona
-Nitemare Boots
-Nitemare Bustier
-Nitemare Gloves
-Nitemare Headband
-Nitemare Scarf

Yea, these are just other items I am questing for. They are:
-Blue Torque Shades
-Elven Ears
-Fairy Wings
-Flashion Rose
-Fox Ears
-Fox Tail
-Hipster Blue Tint Shades
-Icemist Dragon Gown
-Leather Sketchbook
-Mini Yellow Boombox
-Chain Wallet
-Fire Gauntlet
-Ice Gauntlet
-Leather Collar with Cross
-Lunar Cloak
-Solar Cloak
-ZONY MP3 Player
-ZONY Discman
-Royal Kimono
-Flower Wrist Band
-Flower Crown
-Whatever Blackheart Top
-G-LOL Choke Dollie Socks
-G-LOL Dark Choke Skirt
-G-LOL Choke Dollie Skirt
-G-LOL Choke Dollie Shoes
-G-LOL Blue Gown
-G-LOL Blue Slippers
-G-LOL Bruise Mistress Top
-G-LOL Dark Mistress Skirt
-G-LOl Dark Mistress Boots
-Lunar Cowl

Finally, my housing quest. I want some items for my house. The items I want are as follows:
-Basic Blue Standing Lamp
-Honorable Blue Bed
-Honorable Blue Chair
-Honorable Blue Desk
-Honorable Blue Door
-Honorable Blue Table
-Honorable Blue Window
-Honorable Bonsai Tree
-Honorable Iron Teapot
-Honroable Shoji Wooden Lamp
-Potted Palm
-Potted Sunflowers
-Rose in a Vase
-Housing Upgrade