
This is Shuichi Shindou from the hit Shounen-Ai series, Gravitation. 4laugh In my anime family, Shuichi is my older brother. 3nodding
Uhhhh.....My anime older sister is Maiko Shindou, but I can't seem to find a pick of her. sad Sooooo....Moving on!

This is Eiri Yuki Uesugi, also from the hit Shounen-Ai series, Gravitation. In my anime family, he is my step-father. 4laugh *drools* Too hawt.....
 This is Kira, from Gundam Seed. In my anime family, he is my other older brother. *drools* Gosh...He's too sexy to be my brother....Buuuuuut.....who cares? MOVING ON!
 This is my older sister, Kagali, also from Gundam Seed. Please don't mind the hot, sexy, highly popular boy beside her......*drools*.....Uhhhh.....Ok! Moving on!!!!!!
 This is Fakir, from Princess Tutu. In my anime family, he is my (one of my many) twin brother. Me and him almost look alike, but our eyebrows are different.....NEXT!!!!!
 This is Tyson, my other twin brother. Ha ha! Him and Fakir almost look alike! Me, Fakir, and Tyson are triplets! BWA HA HA HA HA!!!! Oh, Tyson is from BeyBlades! NEXT!!!!!
 This is Mytho. He's from Princess Tutu also. In my anime family, he is my son. GAH! I WISH HE WAS MORE THAN THAT!!!!! whee
 This is Guys, my other son. He's from a Yaoi anime called Enzai. Don't mind anyone else in this pic....NEEEEEEEEXT!!!!!!!! scream
 This is Ayase! My favorite son. He's from a Yaoi anime called Okane ga Nai. heart heart heart heart NEXT!!!! crying
Hmmmm....Is that it? I think so. I gots ta check. Anywho, if I find anymore people in my anime family, I'll add them, but for now, this is my anime family. *sniff, wipes tears* Aren't we a happy family? emo
FAWK U SG-SMOKEZZZ · Sun Sep 23, 2007 @ 03:15pm · 3 Comments |