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The Daily Walks of Life of a Ghost in the Shadows
The events and happenings of touring around GAIA. From town, to forums, to games and everything we do here.
THe Hunter in me
I recently read that you can choose tattoos for you avatar. But the shop owner said that I need an ink before he can start. Well off I go to the store for Ink, but she needed 50 to make me an INK... Luckily, Im a patient guy so off I go to the TOWNS to hunt me some frisky little critters jumping, flying, crawling around the GAIA town. But I notice that there is also trash and flowers you can pick up, so I pick them up also they say that there is a reward for doing this but I know I'm still far away from the numbers I got.

Here are my first pick up count:


Dragonfly - Green (2)
- Red (1)
- Blue (4)

Beetles - Red (2)
- Blue (4)

Butterfly - Red (1)
- Blue (3)

Cicada - 15

Firefly - 14

Cricket - 13

Fly - 1


Daisies - Purple (2)
- White (1)
- Blue (14)

Daffodil - Pink (3)
- Blue (11)

Carnation - Pink (1)
- Blue (9)
- White (3)

Sunflower - 5

Crumpled Papers:

Construction Papers - Red (4)
- Green (2)
- Blue (67)

Zerox Papers - Goldenrod (3)
- White (1)
- Blue (90)

Newspapers - 1
- Old (3)
- Dirty (50)

Newsprint - 31

Paper Bag - 27

This will be updated if I walk again around town collecting this stuff maybe add something new I pick up domokun

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