Welcome to my Life -9/19/07- |
Chapter 1 In the Beginning
I woke with the sound of "BEEP BEEP BEEP BE..." I pounded on my clock, hoping I didn't brake it, I looked at it, Holy crap! It's 7:15, I have to be at school 8:30 ! It takes me an hour to get to school! I ran out to my closet and pulled out a black mini skirt and a longsleeve blue and black striped shirt and quickly put it on. I ran into the bathroom and brushed all the knots out of my blonde hair. Just because I didn't want to be plain today, I fixed-it-up with my black headband. I quickly put on some mascara, eyeshadow, and eyeliner. -all black of course- I ran out of the bathroom and quickly ran to my closet, -once again- and got out my black fishnet stockings and pulled them on. I ran down stairs and slipped on my converse. I franticly looked for my car keys. When I finally found them, I grabbed my books and my bag and ran outside. Half way to my car, I forgot that I hadn't brushed my teeth. So I ran back inside, put down my books, and ran back upstairs to brush my teeth. When I was finished, I took at look at myself, I couldn't belive it, but I looked pretty - after I snapped myself out of it, I ran down stairs and grabbed my books and ran outside. I got inside my 'vette and backed-out of the driveway. " Crap " I said aloud, traffic. Great just what I needed, I thought. There had been an accident. I looked to see as I passed to see if it was anyone I knew- it wasn't. Thank God... less pressure on me, like I don't have enough already. ' Silver Bullet ' by Hawthorne Heights was on the radio. I turned it up and rolled down my window. When I got passed all the traffic, I was about to pass the bridge. I love to pass the bridge. I looked over at the water, rushing, like no care in the world. Remembering that I was driving I turned my attention back to the road. Once I got to school, I ran up to my locker and pulled out what I needed, and put up what I didn't, and then I headed towards Math class. Before I walked in, I saw Mrs.Seymour talking. I walked in and Mrs.Seymour said " Hope, your late again. That's detention today after school. " One of the girls I hate, Ally, laughed at me. I gave her " the look ". Mrs.Seymour said. " Hope, come here for a moment. " As I walked up to her, Ally tried to trip me, I just went around her jutted-out leg. When I got to Mrs.Seymour she whispered, " Hope that's the third time this week. What's been up with you lately? " I looked up at her and whispered " Well I set my clock wrong the first day I was late , and I've never had the time to fix it. " " Why? " " Because I've been stuck with piles of homework, and had to stay up a little late. " " Well try to catch up in your classes today, okay? " " Yes ma'am. " " Now please take your seat. " I went to my seat and sat next to Darren. He's just a friend, but everyone else thinks I like him, I don't. A few seconds later a guy with long, sorta short black hair, with white, fair skin, and crystal blue eyes came in. He looked at me and smiled. Darren leaned over and said " Why are you blushing? " Then the guy gave Mrs.Seymour a note, she said " Okay, please find a seat and sit down. " He walked to the empty seat next to me and sat down. He looked at me, and smiled, I smiled back. Mrs.Seymour started talking about geometry. It was a good thing I was good at geometry, because I wasn't paying attention. I was working on my character, she looked just like me, but maybe a little better. I looked out the window and a bird was flying towards the window. I was thinking, 'Is it going to stop?...No it's still coming! ' It hit head first into the window. Everyone heard a thud, me and the guy next to me burst-out laughing. I guess we were the only one's who saw it because everyone was staring at us. Mrs.Seymour said "Eye's to the board please." I looked up and she went to her desk and pulled out a stack of papers from her drawer and handed them out. -They were geometry papers- I was the first finished, then the guy next to me finished. After everyone else was done, the bell rang. She said " Homework tonight. " We all groaned loudly. She stood by the door, and as we were leaving, and she handed out the homework. I stuffed mine in my binder, and left. The new guy came-up to me when I was at my locker. He said in a kinda low voice " Can you help me find my locker and my classes? " I looked into his crystal blue eye's and said " Sure. " he replied " Thanks, but you get what you need out of your locker first. " When I got what I needed he said " My name is Billy, what your's? " " Hope. " I replied. He smiled and said that was a pretty name, then he corrected himself and said beautiful name. " What do you know, your locker is next to mine. " " Well that was easy... " He repiled with a laugh. " Hey, let me see your paper for your classes. " He handed me his paper and I looked at it. ' Woah!' I thought. 'He's in all my classes! ' " Coolz, your in all my classes! " I said, kinda loudly. " Cool, so all I have to do is follow you, Awsome." I laughed.
~.:Hope:.~ AKA <3 xXEmoxEyelinerXx <3
xXEmoxEyelinerXx · Tue Sep 18, 2007 @ 01:36am · 1 Comments |