Alrighty well it's been a shitty few days. I haven't been sleeping all. When I do get the nerve to sleep there are dreams that I really don't like and I can't come out of. It's like getting no rest at all and just working twenty-four/seven. Annoying and exhausting. Really doing a number on my oh so great people skills. Actually I can pretend to have people skills but even that's dying right now.
So here I am venting about this s**t that no one cares about and no one's gonna read. Makes it easier I guess so I'll just keeping oing. Unless one of my imaginary audience has some sort of objection. No? Good because it woudlnt' stop me from talking anyway.
Today's been especially s**t. The god damn Georgians have invaded MY state to get married. Why? Because one of their clan's a child molester or something out of prison for like a month and on probation. Can't leave the state. Like that's my problem. I hate the whole lot of them and they should rot in hell, which is where I plan on sending them all one day. The pleasure I would get out of ridding the world of such pety people. How they should all suffer.
Then tomorrow, they WILL take the b*****d that lives in the room next to mine. I don't care if they didn't bring a trailer and only have a car to take him and his s**t back. He WILL NOT stay here anymore and if he does, I will kill him. I'll take away his phone time and then if he speaks to me in that red neck tone of his again it'll be the last thing that he says.
Dad's also being quite a sneaky b*****d. He's too busy to have his kids over for the weekend. Pity. Oh well, I'll be sure to burn his house down on another day.
Hm, being an angry avi owner's quite fun. I could go on and on but for now I'm just especially pissed off. Should probably go make myself a search rp thread so I can vent through writing. Sounds fun.
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