And the sad thing is, no one will leave you alone about it. And than they start saying that your being mean. When they have no right to.
It's very annoying and frusterating
than when noone leaves you alone about it, it just pushes you to the edge
And what I uberly hate, is when people say they have the worst life in the world.
I mean, theres ways to resolve all your problems. And no I'm not saying go out and kill yourself, or harm yourself in any way. Cause more people care about you, than you realize.
There is a way to resolve every problem you have.
It may be tough, but theres a way.
It took me about 2 years to even ask for help when I seriously needed it.
And because of that I'll be scared for life.
I can barely even look at him, with out feeling that urge of hate
for what he did.
It's disgusting and wrong. And I know I could have stopped it sooner than I did. But I'm just too much of a coward. Too embaresed to admit what happened. I don't want people to think strangly of me, just for what happened.
That's why no one outside of my imediate family knows.
Every night I broke down over it. EVERY SINGLE NIGHT.
I still..break down over it.
So I know how that is.
It's not fun
Even if they are your family
And you don't want to report them for anything
You have to.
You need to.
Because most people are truly afraid of just sitting down and talking about it. Cause they think it' will just happen again after that. But the talking helps.
I don't even want to think about what I would be like right now. If I hadn't told my mom about it
It's a scary thought because
Now my family (the ones I live with) are calling me unhappy
and what happened has something to do with that.
My mom says I'm too 'emotional' for my age.
That I'm rude. without even realizing it.
She kept saying that shes worried about me
Because of what happened, I can truly never be happy.
Cause I never stop thinking about it.
And you might be saying, well atleast your family cares about you.
You think if your family didn't care about you, that you would have a bed to sleep on. That you would seriously be in that house/apartment/trailor or anything. Do you think, you'd seriously ever have fun/laugh/ even smile. You think you wouldn't be in an orphanage right now?
But enough with the serious crap, I hate being serious, It only ends out to get things worse. But some things are needed to be said.
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I can totally relate to you...
My sister Lydia was abused by her Grandfather and her Uncle, so I have some idea of what you have gone through, both mentally and physically. And I had some experience myself, as you know...
And being serious does majorly suck. :< </center>