Thinking out loud and acting in vain. |
Knocking over anyone that stands in my way.
Fook. Spent 5 hours last night trying to get a basic ftp server up. See, this is why I love, and hate my Alpha. It's a wonderful machine. When it works. It runs things quick and nice. If it runs them at all. The os is stable. Because I can't install s**t to it. Oh well, that's what I get for using an unreleased win2k-64 copy. Erg. Might have to move to my older 266mhz p2. For ftp use, it should be fine, but 'd rather host it on the dec. I just can't find a distro of an ftp server that will install on my os.
Also, to top it off, the adapter for my external HDD enclosure doesn't work with my card, so there goes the other 10gb I was planning on using for storage. I'll try and hit compusa later to see if I can find a matching cable. I need to put that beast to use. There's a bent appeal to using a HDD array that's so old the HDDs' are literally 6 inches thick. Not wide, not long. Thick. It weighs nearly 50 pounds. It's a tank of technology, but it's reliable. I'm even sacrificing my second monitor for this project. See? I'm a giver.
On the plus side, I did get half my scsi drives working. so, I'll setup the ftp with a 3gb allotment (i know, it's s**t) but it'll work for my use for now. I'd like to eventually slap a 20 gigger in there, just for you guys. Providing I can get my router to cooperate. It's been ages since I hosted an ftp, and I'm on a very different setup. Not too worried about security since it will be an isolated box behind my new rackmount switch, and if anyone wants to ******** with it, they'll only be ruining it for everyone else, not me.
Planning on hosting apps and shareware, and giving scratch space for online storage.
Notes for s**t so I don't forget:
Setup switch ports for bank 2, lock bank 1. Get ethernat cable, jackass. Stop taking cable from the mediabox. Setup Sblive for mediabox, card is by movierack. Clean your workstation, ashtray is overflowing. setup hosting rules, define 3 acounts. Cerberus or lftp? Maybe lftp due to resources... Check ram config, 266 might be on edo still. stop by compusa for scsi cabling, get the right one this time. Format mixmaster before use. Transfer graphix lib, apps lib, and drivers lib to mixmaster before up. Find tester outside your network, remember dftp. Set rules on hammer/bot/spam, named dirs.
Anyways, if anyone who's going to have access (C&T TT, Mods, others by request only.) has any suggestions on what they what they'd like to see hosted, drop a note here or PM me. Just remember, no warez, no pron, no copyrighted music. I'm planning on currently hosting my graphix/wallpapers lib, and some handy apps I have. Mostly older versions of stuff you cant find anymore. (ultramon before all the registering crap, clonecd with v-drive, cdmage, some benches and tools.) Sorry it's taken so long for me to get around to doing this, but.. I'm a lazy b*****d.
Twistex · Tue May 24, 2005 @ 01:42pm · 4 Comments |