A boy: "You won't get wet if you have this."
From The Bridge of Korosuke
The Japanese have long believed that the mountains, rivers, grasses, and trees all have their own inherent personalities, and are a race of people who have loved these things as much as humans. This is why Japanese legends are full of stories of nature in human form, and the reason why the people were able to respond to the calls of the birds, or the murmuring of the rivers.
From The Day Astro Boy was Born: "Robot," Sankei Shuppan
Protecting nature and the environment means not only big projects like saving the forests from acid rain or cleaning up the increasingly polluted oceans. It means starting with sheltering and helping the tiniest flower in front of you, or an injured fawn. One flower produces seeds that will fly away and produce a field of blossoms, and one fawn grows up to produce a whole clan of descendants. It's important not to forget these possibilities, and to look to the future. To love nature means having this kind of mind.