you're back from outer space, w/ that stupid look on ur face
omg i have a new internet addiction and... lately ive used this more than myspace ::shock shock:: lol ive been in a weird music mood the past few days getting funky to old disco music
i mean who hasnt heard Gloria Gaynor's "I Will Survive" and had fun singing along even once or twice?
domokun my domo says hi. hes doesnt have a name. but pretty much, hes cooler than...YER MOM!
I can believe that... idea I have heard that song before.... exclaim My 4 domokundomokundomokundomokun say hey to urs.... so try to bet that.....oooohhhhhhhh
Naica · Community Member · Tue May 24, 2005 @ 04:46am
of coarse ur domo is kooler than my mom. My mom's pretty lame. I'd hope ur domo was atleast kooler than my mom to reach the height of kool.
~Yasha1221~ · Community Member · Tue Jun 07, 2005 @ 04:33pm