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He whispered cold lies into my ear while I slept, tainting me in my weakest hour. When I close my eyes, I can hear them, icy wind against my eardrum, and I can't help but wonder if they're true...

the cheese to my macaroni
Community Member
CA-the state of sunshine, hollywood and the sexy police.
Hello friends and readers!!

Sorry that I'm being AWOL with my journal but things come up. Now that things have mellowed out, I'm reduced to eating choco-chip cookies and watching sob stories on TV.

Well, the title is a little weird but I can explain. At our school registraton, the link crew dressed up the freshmen up really stupidly. Some groups were pencils while others were bumblebees. One group was a "war-theme". The group leader was this really hot Senior with aviator glasses and a fake tonfa/baton. It was kinda like this:

HIM: Excuse me, miss?
ME: Uh, yeah?
HIM: You're in violation of school law 472292B.
ME: What did i do?
HIM: You were looking too sexy in school. I'm gonna have to frisk you.
ME: rofl

Well, I thought it was hilarious and of course, my response?

ME: Only if I can return the favor.

LOL. He probably won't remember me when school officially starts and I, like the loser that I am, can't for the life of me remember his name or face. I met this guy named Jimmy. He's pretty cool. I met Alyssa, a golfer. I met Kiana, a Samoan girl, and Amanda, who ditched me for another chick after i introduced her to all my cool friends.

WOW. That's it. I need someone to edit my next "LETTER TO A YOU" post on Gaia. I don't know who I'm gonna pick from my friendlist so look out for a random message from me. I'm still doing a few changes to it.


User Comments: [1]
Community Member

Mon Aug 27, 2007 @ 10:33pm

Jeez woman! School hasn't even started yet! xd but dang!!!... lol

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