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Loose Thoughts... Loose thoughts hanging around in a diary...one per day, feel free to check it out.

Community Member
Well, since I'm so bored of this, I'm just giving an update of my life for a while. Probably, I will change it though, I know I will, because I will get sick of this. Ok, so lately I've been sick of the computer. There's nothing to do on it anymore! I got bored of Gaia, and I'm grounded, so I'm not going to be on often. And I got really frustrated when I was playing "Avitar High" On The-N. The stupid students wouldn't do what I told them to (which was to practice basketball for a game in which we lost, hey I just thought of a new strategy to get people practicing!) and just kept talking all the time, so I didn't save (making it that I could do the game again) and just quit it. And now I'm really bugged because I hate hearing the show "Cardcaptors" coming from the room next to mine, and I'm trying to distance myself from that kiddy show. My older sisters are like going through a phase when they are totally obsessed with it, and I'm trying to resist, which is really hard when you really want to know what happens. One thing I can do is call my friends, who I will make sure sleep over at my house tonight. Another thing I could do is get a hobby. Hey, wait...I have one already! Its guitar, and it includes homework, which can actually be really hard sometimes, so shut up. Oh boy, there is my mother calling me, reminding me of a promise I made her saying that I will personally make sure that my friends and I are fast asleep at 3 am. She thinks that 2 people over is a party. Which is so old fashioned of her, like she is. Anyway, I have written enough, maybe I'll go on my trampoline...

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