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Loose Thoughts... Loose thoughts hanging around in a diary...one per day, feel free to check it out.

Community Member
The Boutique
Finally, me and Singin naked in the rain have completed (well, on most parts) our shoppe! Its more of a services kind of place, and its in the 'Mini Shops' section in the forums. Why don't you go and check it out? Make sure you don't comment though, its not that kind of thread. Maybe you like one of my creations? PM me about it, and I'll do a sample for you. I do, as it says in bold on my post, 100g per creation (I just call them creations, it sounds professional) which, I'm betting you think so too, isn't that much seeing as people hold contests and give out 1,000g. I only cost 100g per creation, so unless you want 10 of my creations (how kind of you to think of me so highly), its very cheap to hire me. *Just so you know, The Navy Song is a Mule, Singin naked in the rain is the actual*

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