Yusuke:-.- your making us
Me:>.> <.< err ok? well heres the first pic of the day ^_^
![User Image](https://i198.photobucket.com/albums/aa291/rayboygenius/raisetheroof.jpg)
Me surprised .O
everyone surprised .O
Kuwabara:how did you know what I was thinking?
everyone:*skoots away from Kuwabara*
Me:anyways next pic!
![User Image](https://i131.photobucket.com/albums/p318/xrin_sukinax/1animerule.jpg)
Me and girls:thats true
Me surprised k next pic!
![User Image](https://i71.photobucket.com/albums/i159/Hiei_of_The_Darkness_Flame/Yu%20yu%20hakusho/oopsimissed.jpg)
Me:yeah Yusuke
Me,Kurama,and Hiei:work on your aim!
Yusuke:heh heh sweatdrop
Me:-_- ok next pic!
![User Image](https://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/heartless20/yu%20yu%20hakusho/thredneckyus.jpg)
Me:yeah you allmost did 3nodding
Yusuke: stressed
Me:> razz next pic
![User Image](https://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i225/sakurapetals518/Yu%20Yu%20Hakusho/hiei03-1.jpg)
everyone:yeah right
Me:O.O the easter bunny! he cant do that! it was obliviously Karasu!
Karasu" :stareI'm right here
Me:shut up! ok next pic
![User Image](https://i60.photobucket.com/albums/h24/darkinusgurl/YuYuHakusho/kura_dream16.jpg)
Me:alright Yusuke what did you do
Yusuke:I didnt do anything!
Me:sure you did
Yusuke:I didnt!
everyone surprised .O
Me:suure ok next pic
![User Image](https://i108.photobucket.com/albums/n31/KatDemonLizzy/Yu%20Yu%20hakusho/thkurama9.jpg)
everyone surprised .o wha
Me:finally someone besides my friend heres it!
Yusuke:and who is that
Me:I aint telling you! so > razz
Me surprised k next pic!
![User Image](https://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a295/Yukai_Mara/Anime/3strikesurout.jpg)
Me surprised .O are you trying to scare people?
Youko,Hiei,and Yusuke:maybe
Me:sure it was
Kuwabara:*in a fetal postion at the corner*
Everyone surprised .O
Me:at least you scared someone..ok next pic!
![User Image](https://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff257/gothdolllove/yu%20yu%20hakusho/m8098272.jpg)
Me:O.o you didnt know about Yaoi!
Yusuke and Kuwabara:YOU KNEW THE WHOLE TIME!
Me:yesh my friend kept showing it to me she mostly a big fan of KuamaXHiei
Hiei:and what is your frinds name stressed
Me:Shannon oh and if you try to kill her your stuck in spirit world jail for the rest of your life ^_^ right Botan
Botan:um right
Me surprised k next pic!
![User Image](https://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a366/apathyalcatraz/Random/Loner.png)
Me:so true listen to the voice of reason
Kuwabara:so that means shrimp and our enemys are also loners
bad guys and Hiei:-_-'
Me surprised .O ookays? next pic
![User Image](https://i11.photobucket.com/albums/a191/Mingan_Ghost/Yu%20Yu%20Hakusho/awwwkurama-hiei.jpg)
Me:no one can resist the tal so it was bound to happen ^_^
Youko and Hiei:-_-
Everyone surprised .O
*to be continued....when I'm bored out of my mind*