So it's been a few weeks since I last posted an entry. I think it was but whatever. Just writing another entry before thinking about school and stuff. Since I miss everyone and such. Yes, I'm a bit of a sap as some have ever met me. Anyways, things had been stressful and busy with the kids coming and going and coming back and going home. However, I have just finished my last and final day of babysitting that I'll never do as a favour again. Too much to do by myself and not getting paid makes the work all the more ominous for me. Sure, the busier you are the better but this wasn't the same as working with people serving popcorn and such. Waaaay different. I'm glad that it's done and over with so no i can relax the last of summer in total peace. At lest that's my thought.
What I mean by that is that I'll be going to a con is less than 24 hours as I am writing this. I get excited when i think bout it. Conventions, people, anime. I get really giddy and squealing and apparently very unbearable to live with until the convention ends. I hope that it was understandable that I am an otaku at heart. Well, I think I am but not so intensely scary like some in Japan but enough to weird out a lot of non-otakus in my old school. Not only that, I'm more unbearable at this con than the others because of something so amazing happening at this con. Gaia is coming to this con and apparently the first one in Canada. That made my day when I found out and made the babysitting a little more bearable in it's unbearable state. I'm hoping to get some stuff from them this con because I can't get them over the internet for the lack of credit card and lck of help of those that i know of that have one. Oh well, I hope hope hope. ^ ^
I'm not sure if many had notice but I know a few would and do. I now had finished high school and now starting college. It's exciting but also so very scary. I feel as though I might lose myself in the flood of people that know what to do. But I'm guessing anyone would feel like that as well when they first go and try something so new. I'll find a way to survive it, right? I hope this yea will bring me good fortune and surprise that will make lie all the more interesting and wonderful to live for. Well, I guss that's all for now. I'll write up an entry after the con ends fo those that likes to read my boring thoughts. ^ ^
Till next entry,
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Tori's Journal
A -somewhat- daily log of me ^^ whether it's a good day or not I would probrably post it and tell you -some- of the parts of the day but not all because that would be very wrong ^^;
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Mood: Hiatus....

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