Green mana comes from forests and creatures, but many green decks are based primarily around elves, so i made one of those:

plus a Spore Frog. And yes there is a card called Spore Frog, I've got a few in my green deck. biggrin

I suppose you saw that one coming didn't you? razz
Next is island mana. This is difficult to represent, as blue decks also have plenty of creatures, not to mention a lot of cards with phasing, but I settled on a drake, and the most island-y, ethereal avi I could make:

Red mana comes from the mountains, the forges of nature. I would love being able to make a goblin, but Gaia doesn't really have the items. At this point I've decided to abandon my previous intention of having all the avatars have the Magic item of their color, and well-- forget this, I'm making a goblin avi.
Except none of the skins look good, so he's an invisible goblin for now. I'll do more later, maybe tomorrow.

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