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My thoughts...
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Just so you know. I am able to be contacted normally at my mom's house. I look forward to getting back to everyone.

I didnt get to stay as long as I would have liked but I had a lot of fun. We played halo and shot some guns, but what I really enjoyed doing was playing Lord of the Rings risk.
I lost, mainly because this group played by slightly different rules than I was used to, but I didnt mind. I was a ferocious dark lord while my teammate was a bookish dark wizard. Needless to say, his troops lost morale and crumbled against the might of the alliance, while my hardened troops slew the enemy 5 to 1 (rough estimate but not too far off). They were only able to best me with wave after wave of troops. In real terms, this means that Mark was paying too much attention to sorting his Magic cards and then when he did roll, he was rolling 1's like it was his job. I on the other hand, was rolling so well, I had a mystique that made the enemy, especially Kevin, think twice about attacking me, even when I was outnumbered.

I had so much fun! Wish I could have stayed longer.

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Sun Aug 19, 2007 @ 02:32am
Euh..... congrats bro.

commentCommented on: Mon Aug 20, 2007 @ 06:12am
rollin' one's like it was his job. thats funny.

Community Member
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