I have seen the gods of anime and revealed in their juices gonk ...ok that sounds wrong stare sweatdrop . Here's how it went at ACEN (for those who don't know it's an anime con.)
Friday-- My dad, sis, and I arrive around 11:00 and bypass everyone in line to register because we pre-reg (always pre-reg). The first person I met was from the same town I live in eek small world. The doors open to shopping and I get Naruto gloves, kitty ears, and pictures. xd . Made friends with an artist named David K. Wong (he's brutally honest and cynical). Thankies for the pins TRex-kun! Took pictures of a lot of hot shirtless guys (will post them as soon as I learn how to get them out of the camera and into the comp. sweatdrop ). Of coarse we had a hotel room. Listened to the spoony bards who kept playing Sephiroth's theme song whenever my sis showed up because she was the best lookin' sephiroth around. Went to the Pillows concert *huggles lead singer*. Fends my sis off from glompers. Meets a guy named Christmas who was dressed like the first crow (looked just like Brandon Lee only smaller). Got owned on Tekken 5 because I didn't know how to use the arcade controls (PS2 girl sweatdrop ). Realized around 11:00 pm that i hadn't eaten since 6:30 in the morning. Got pizza but could only eat one slice. In total of my group we only ate 3 slices. The pizza was too expensive to go to waste so we gave it to the people in a room across from us. Throughout that day I met 3 or 4 gaians. My sister had her picture taken well over 50 times that day (a couple by the press!).
Saturday-- Don't remeber falling asleep but aparently I did. Took a shower. Ate a muffin for breakfast and rushed to see the spoony bards at 9 in the morning. One hot violinist guy was dressed as Sephiroth but he had to leave the coat off to play the violin. They gave out free cd's to those who came. (I got something for free at ACEN in the Hyatt?!! eek ). Spent a lot of time walking back and forth from the hotel to the shopping area (about a 30min round trip done 4 or 5 times). Met Rikki Simmons (plays voice of Gir) and got his signature. Met up with my fellow Gaians at the fountain and ate pocky brought by the pocky fairy himself. Watched one gaian pull a Miroku on another blaugh . Met three of my friends from school!!! (really small world). One got her butt grabbed by a cute asian guy dressed like Miroku blaugh . Interupted a ninja stealth mission (a guy was stalking another wo/that person noticing. You'll see in the pictures). Saw a whole lot of intricately made costumes, overweight almost naked ppl, and Sailor Bubba (don't ask stare I'm still trying to wash that image out of my head). Pretty much just stroled back and forth waiting the masquerade (the most hilarious event i've seen in my life). That asian Miroku guy came up on stage and asked if one of us ladies in the crowd would bear his children. We all said YES!! The comentators were more of a show than anything though. They were too funny. Oh...can anybody who was there tell me who won. I missed the winners because my dad made me get something to eat. (It was almost 9pm and all I had that day was some orange juice and a muffin. Oh and two sticks of pocky xp ). Saw Christmas again (shirtless this time whee ) he called my sis and I "loves". Saw a guy dressed like Johnny Depp from Pirates of the Carrabiean (moved just like him!). Got my butt kicked on Soul Callibur 2 for the PS2 (never played it b4). DDR ppl are insane. I got worn out just watching them. Took a peak into the Rave party. I like glowy sticks but dark rooms with crowds of ppl and deafining music aren't my fortay. Had a hillarious encounter with a drunk guy by the elevators. He said to my sis and I, "One of you 2 r hot. But I can't tell which one...you both look alike." BAM!! He ran into the wall blaugh . It didn't come to me in time but I should have said, "2? What are u talking about I'm the only person here." That would have freaked him out 4 sure blaugh .
Sunday-- Lies and deciet! There were no discounts. If anything the prices rose! That's ok I still bought stuff anyway sweatdrop . Met Rikki Simmons again (he misses his cupcake). Picked on David for the last time (gonna miss that crazy asian guy). Huggled and glomed Christmas whee (he had been waiting for someone to do that to him). Met a few more gaians (I wore my G pins and kitty ears the entire time). Went to the Gothic Lolita fashion show w/ my sis (O.o the prettiness) while my dad packed the trunk. Just hung around b4 we left. Not much else to do since everything was getting taken down, ppl were leaving, or hung over from the Rave last night.
*Sigh* I feel like I've come down from a high, am looking to the sky wonderin' gonk WHHHHHYYYYYYY?????? why did it have to end? crying Can't wait for the next con. I just may go as Legato Bluesummers from Trigun whee . I didn't see one Legato. I did see a chef version of Vash with a plate of donuts and Nekokitty in the middle... blaugh . Reality is cold, grey, and boring...ACEN ROCKS m/ xd m/.
little tigeress · Tue May 17, 2005 @ 04:55am · 2 Comments |