jeese this game is kinda hard to figure out. i joined a magic the gathering guild today and found that I look like a complete idiot compared to all the other players! they have all been to turnaments and have playing styles, I dont know what they're talking about half the time. I hope I learn from them.
Any way, today I was drawing naruto on paint and I can't seem to get his face right! No matter what I do. When I finish I'm going to use the pic as my siggy. Boy i have no clue what to write about, actully i do but i'm just taking an incredibly long time to get top it. As i said before I am going to create anime annimations, The first stroy I had in mind was supposed to be secret but I really don't care so can any body rate the plot.
It starts out with a boy named hiroshi and his family, he is thirteen and has a mother, father, and sister. Hiroshi is speacial because he the Guardian heir, which is a long story that reguires another pharagraph of explanation.
In the begginging of time the world was nothing but ash and chaos, so the gods or god ( i havent decided) created two dragons that represent good and evil, as is traditional lore with merlin and arthur. Two dragons fighting for the world, the first dragon being evil was called The -------( i cant remeber :@ ) cuased death and dispair among the primitive people, the second dragon being good was called the guardian. Eventually the good dragon won and banished the bad dragon to hell. The people that where loyal to the evil dragon wouldn't exept that the bad dragon had lost so they sent a man to the dragon. The dragon agreed that in exchange for it's powers the man would have to kill the good dragon. When the good dragon saw what the other dragon had done he new he had to kill the man. But! he was sworn to protect humans, so he gave a man he new was good his own powers, cuasing decades of war between good and bad.
hiroshi is the guardian heir so the bad guys are out to get him. the other bad heir comes and kills his family. Hiroshi is forced to leave his home forever and goes to seak revenge. On his journey he meets a traveling sorcceress about his age. Soon he finds himself fighting againdt the man that killed his entire family. Un fortunatley hiroshi has no fighting skills, hes in a battle he cannot win. Raine the heir of the (bad) dragon has left him for dead. Barlley concouis and with sereuis wounds hiroshi is floating amongst the debri of his horrific fight.
later he regains concuisness in a large vehicle (I mean large as in hotel size) HE was picked up by a man named allen and his crew. they are traveling soilders for his country. they go on many missions and have many hardships. eventually he finds himself in love with the sorcceress he first met but so is his best friend that he met while working for the soilders.
(other plot) the (bad) heir will do everythinghe can to destroy hiroshi, he is doing this by builing over the earth and draning its resorses. leaving the land barren and destroyed. The dragons live by the well being of the earth so by doing this he is killing hiself and hiroshi.
after many years hiroshi has trained his powers (which include power emitting from his hands to stike his enemies with, super strenght, and large dragon wings sprouting from his back, but he still hasnt mastered the wings) he becomes very powerful so the soilders he works for are called to war. Here he will meet Raine in battle. The battle starts and the socceres is captured, ranie throws her from a hilocopter like machine so that hiroshi will see and be defeated easier. Hiroshi does see this, but he leaps from the cliff catching her and flying away for a romantic kiss.
Hiroshi and Raine battle, Hiroshi wins ans the series concludes.
cheerios8 · Wed Aug 15, 2007 @ 03:09am · 0 Comments |