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He whispered cold lies into my ear while I slept, tainting me in my weakest hour. When I close my eyes, I can hear them, icy wind against my eardrum, and I can't help but wonder if they're true...

the cheese to my macaroni
Community Member
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Hello my lovely, wonderful readers!!

I'm back!! Muahahahaha!! *thunder strikes in background*

LOL, just kidding! Well, summer's almost over and I can't wait!! I need to get some serious school shopping done!! I need at least 3 more tops and whole lotta school supplies such as the ever popular BACKPACK, PAPER and A WORKING CALCULADORA.

Well, enough complaints for now. I've been complaining all day because, you see, I'm having been having a few less-than-wonderful days with "auntie flow" and it's pissing me off BAD. I've been a little bitchy all day (for the past few days) and I'm sorry if my complaints are annoying you.

Um, I have no idea what to write about. Well, there's this virus account going around messing up people's accounts. Be aware of it because you could be its next victim. The name of this guy is on my profile. Someone warned me. For now, it's the topmost message. I've been sending out some warnings but it's too much work so everyone who reads this: PLEASE WARN PEOPLE.

Let's see... I haven't talked to Josh lately (thank god) and I know you all have been bursting to know what's going on. I don't know myself and I'm scared too see him. We're friends of course and EVERYONE knows how attached I am to my friends. I treat my guy and gal pals the same so when I say stuff to my gal pals, I seem like a totally weirdo and when I say stuff to my guy friends, I sound like a flirt. HENCE, I don't know where I stand with my friends. Which is actaully pretty good because I don't see my friends as divided by gender. In my eyes, you're basically genderless. No offense. LOL.

For now, I want to keep things neutral because I'm afraid (i should be) that I might say something really stupid and he'll hate me forever. And even if I act like I DON'T CARE, i REALLY DO..

I miss/love all of you!!!

Well, cya later!! GIVE ME YOUR INK!!

User Comments: [1]
Community Member

Sat Aug 11, 2007 @ 06:44pm

well well well... hahaha... finally u talked to him... but anyway... i need to do school shopping to... -_____-" jeez i hate it...but anyways

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