OK so today is the day the new layout came out and so went t the feed back thread to give my 2 cents and when i was done and was looking at others responses and some of them just made me pissed off. I hate when people give horrible feed back in unintelligent ways here are some examples of what i mean: Not only are they rude they are not helpful in anyway at all. This tells the Devs NOTHING!!! only that your a immature child. I mean why even post some of this trash! And then they wonder why the DEVS give them features they dont like because they wont even take the time t type out a well written response. And if i remember correctly the last time they changed the layout people said the same thing! "i like he other layout better" and "I hate this new one!" and now what are you doing?? begging for it back that makes no sense at all its just insane!

OK i feel better I need to rat to get that off m chest
gonk gonk