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The Dawning Gate to my Little Univer.... Omniverse.
Mostly a grouping of my ideas, thoughts and other things I might want to type out. Mostly figured a good place to just rant or talk endlessly. Like I am starting to do now. Otherwise it is a place so you can get a look at my little omniverse of my
An introduction to my world and me
Well here is my first post,

Well I would of liked some appluses, maybe some cheering... a go anthony?


Well seeing this place is as empty as my normal blog jornal weblog thingys.

Well I got the joy of Elite beat agents music I in a better mood today so I figured Gaia is the last place I need to taint with a journal of mine. Adding to the much unneeded problem of sharing issues with the world that normally doesn't care to hear them. Unlease you got a funny video of what happened you post on youtube.

Well Mostly Life could be better ... a lot better. But then that would be putting me in putting the number of money trouble and other deals hounding me so lets move on.

I want to introduce you to my little universe too. So lets start with myself.

Well here we go...

User Image

Nice picture huh? Well drawn by me, yes by hand with out tracing. I have improved. blaugh

But Anyways back on task.

My name is Anthony Hawkina, Guardian of the goddesses, Protector of my universe, and otherwise Dimentional Traveller for fun and profit... (I could knowlegde as profit.)

I'm gifted by the infinity of All-creation and fighting against the vile corruption trying to save this omniverse. I'm mostly Human with a lacking of self shapeshifting or size shifting powers. *Looks at D* But otherwise I'm mostly the light hearted Hero looking to protect as many people as I can. My abilities and powers I try to keep hidden, but the extremem power of infinite are at my command. Otherwise In resent news, I have started to equip a Mana Cannon on a friends request to help with any disadvantages with long range I have. Otherwise left my white armor at home for the most modern look. Even though I get the matrix is so out now a days comments, I feel it is suitable for my time visiting Gaia.

Otherwise I have an evil twin brother, More of a dimentional distortion of myself that was turned for a want for dark power or something like that. Mostly I live a normal life... or as normal as I can with all the stuff that happens. (Note living with 14+ godesses, 30+ guardians, a creature of chaos, and her 20+ gods. Stuff does get a little out of hand.) Well I will have another post soon hopeful about more of my storys, adventures, or just humble rants.

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  • [08/05/07 04:11pm]

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    Community Member

    Thu Jul 23, 2009 @ 03:07am

    Hi. Go Anthony, but you never got past the first post...... *shift eyes*


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