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i love to hate my life in a good way!
The world may be a dark place. Somwething u have to learn to deal with. But it is us as humans that make it dark. We create our darkness and push it on others. You can choose to live in that darkness, or you can fear it all your life. But before you deside to bring someone else into your darkness, think and look at how you feel. Remeber what caused you to be in that darkened place. Do you honestly wish that apon anyone else? And if you can create that darkened place you live in you can also create a place of light. though not everyone will particapate, you need to learn to let go and move on. This goes to the saying that the imagination, the human mind, are very powerful things. You can create, and you can destroy. What you do is up to you, and no one can stop you. Darkness and hatered may grow, but if you show someone kindness and light, then they will grow even faster.

Ribbons name tags, for info please pm.

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Wed Sep 19, 2007 @ 11:19am
wow...you know thats a very deep statement...very meaningfull..and very true

its an unsual insight...and takes a very sharp mind to think of it smile

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