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---------- Theres drama in my school theres romance around me my life is confusing though no one sees
My friends are there for me I know that they love me we do what we want to Still no one sees
::CHORUS:: My life is a country song I dont even know the words everything always goes wrong in my country song
My family is crazy They dont understand me I tend to ignore them They just dont see
School isnt easy people they tease me entering a new grade Here everyone sees
::CHORUS:: ----------
This song basically means that no matter what my friends and I do, no one ever pays the slightest bit of attention to us, but when we least want people to notice us, is when they notice the most. It's also saying that my life is confusing, and I dont know what each day will hold, it's always something new.
Sexy_Mii · Sat Aug 04, 2007 @ 09:31pm · 0 Comments |