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My thoughts...
Tier 2
Okay, well most of my trouble yesterday has been resolved but not without opening up more reasons for a little heartache. My mom is talking about moving hundreds of miles away. I dont want that. Quite simply.
My dad has been fine at least and I know he doesnt want to see me unhappy. I just wish there was something that I could do. I feel like my siblings are costing me one of my parents...

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commentCommented on: Sat Aug 04, 2007 @ 01:09am
There is so much hatred in your journal. If it helps at all, I am sorry for what life is doing to you. Perhaps I can cling to the hope that it will change for you, and that you will be given all that you wish for. I only wish the best for everyone in life, especially those who deserve it most.

commentCommented on: Sat Aug 04, 2007 @ 05:22am
You know that nudist up there is right. There is alot of negativity in here.... I know your life isn't all bad. We all care about you. All of us around you do even if some of us really upset you from time to time.

Your mom has talked about big things like this before hasn't she? I don't know if I believe she is going to do it. Does she have anywhere to go or a job when she gets there or anything? Would it be good for her to being a warmer climate (physically)? I say lets see where the dice land on this.

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