Just a friendly reminder to myself about the event items I need to buy back from the hacking. Dx

Total Value: 244,126 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Bunny Tail
Chubbi Chicky
Baby Chicky
Cutie Chicky
Easter 2k6 Bunny Tie
Easter 2k6 Chicky Tie
G Pin
G Buckle
G Shades Blue
G Shades Pink
G Shades Yellow
Jack'd Gloves 2k6
Jack Visor
Jack Uniform Gloves
Jack'd Cape 2k6
Holly Jolly Collar
Holly Jolly Mitten
Holly Jolly Poinsettia Earmuffs
Labu Necklace
Lucky Star
Rebellion Face Mask
Spirited 2k6 Corsage
Spirited 2k6 Gloves
Spirited 2k6 Mistletoe
Syaoran's Cloak
V Pin (left half)
V Pin (right half)
4 Leaf Clover Pin
Cow Bell
Floppy Clover
Gaia 2nd Anniversary Party Hat
Island Girl Wig
Jack Uniform Cap
Jack'd Mask
Jack'd Hat
Jack's Anger
Jack's Joy
Long Bull Horns
Spirited 2k6 Hat
Easter Bunny Shirt
Pine Peacoat
S-Corp Labcoat
Spirited Boxers
Grunny Shirt
Spirited 2k6 Boots
Reindeer Slippers
Jolly Slippers
Holly Jolly Socks
Holly Jolly Boots
Jack'd Shoes 2k6
Jack Uniform Shoes
Grunny Slippers
Spirited 2k6 Scarf